美国Youth Enhancement Crème For Women纯天然草本植物乳霜 120ml ¥525

美国Youth Enhancement Crème For Women纯天然草本植物乳霜 120ml ¥525
Item# Enhancement

Product Description




Youth Enhancement Crème For Women

100% All-Natural 4oz/120ml -DHEA is the most abundant hormone in the body and peaks around the age of 20. Studies show DHEA decreases by as much as 50% by age 40. Because DHEA is a hormone that is naturally occurring in the body and has broad-spectrum effects in the body it’s effects are known to play an important role in every system, every organ and every tissue in the body. The loss of DHEA can result in wide reaching hormonal imbalances. This specific formula of 1 % DHEA creme includes Homeopathic ingredients combined with herbal extracts for the most powerful synergistic complex available in this concentration of Homeopathic Youth Enhancing creme for women.