美国 Whole Food Fiber 纯天然膳食纤维营养补充剂 200克 ¥420

美国 Whole Food Fiber 纯天然膳食纤维营养补充剂  200克   ¥420
Item# WholeFoodFiber

Product Description


Whole Food Fiber是营养丰富的纯天然膳食纤维的理想来源。







•可以在Standard Process Purification Program中用来作为营养支持

Whole Food Fiber是如何促进健康呢?

纤维是任何健康饮食的重要组成部分,我们大多数人都远没有得到足量。事实上,美国人的平均每天纤维的消耗只有15克,而成年人的推荐量为每天25和38克。膳食纤维是植物细胞中的消化的复合碳水化合物。它可以是可溶的(溶解在水中)或不溶性的(不能被溶解在水中); 这两种类型都提供重要的健康益处。增加不溶性膳食纤维摄入,能促进排便有规律,而增加可溶性纤维摄入量可以支持已经在正常范围内健康的血脂和血糖水平。Whole Food Fiber提供理想的纤维来源。


健康的纤维摄入量帮助膨胀和软化粪便,促进排便和有规律。纤维的摄入量还支持胃肠菌群的健康平衡,因为它促进肠道内有益细菌生长的环境。 Whole Food Fiber如何提供免疫系统的支持?








Whole Food Fiber is a good source of fiber from nutrient-rich whole foods.

• Contains both soluble and insoluble fiber

• Supports healthy bowel function

• Promotes regular intestinal motility and elimination

• Supports healthy epithelial cells in the bowel

• Provides food for beneficial microorganisms in the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract

• Supports the immune system

• Can be used as nutritional support in the Standard Process Purification Program

How does Whole Food Fiber support health?

Fiber is an essential part of any healthy diet, although most of us don’t get nearly enough. In fact, the average American consumes only 15 grams of fiber per day, while the recommended amount for adults is between 25 and 38 grams per day. Dietary fiber is indigestible complex carbohydrates found in plant cells. It can be soluble (dissolves in water) or insoluble (cannot be dissolved in water); both kinds offer important health benefits. Increasing your intake of insoluble dietary fiber can promote bowel regularity, while increasing your intake of soluble fiber can support healthy lipid and glucose levels already within a normal range. Whole Food Fiber provides a good source of fiber.

How does this product support bowel regularity and a healthy gastrointestinal environment?

Healthy fiber intake provides bulk and softens the stool to promote bowel movement and regularity. Fiber intake also supports a healthy balance of GI flora as it promotes an environment for growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

How does Whole Food Fiber provide immune system support?

The prebiotic properties of oat fiber and beet fiber support a healthy environment for the growth of beneficial gut microorganisms for GI-based immune system support.

Suggested Use: One level tablespoon (approximately 6 grams) in a blender drink per day, or as directed.


Amount per Serving %DV Calories 25 Dietary Fiber 3.5 g 15%

Proprietary Blend: 6 g Oat fiber, beet fiber, rice (bran), carrot (root), sweet potato, beet (root), apple pectin, and carrot fiber.