美国VIR纯天然排毒养颜草本植物食物营养补充剂 120ml ¥525

美国VIR纯天然排毒养颜草本植物食物营养补充剂 120ml ¥525
Item# VIR

Product Description





4 fl oz (120 ml) bottle

VIR: The Key Ingredient to Staying Healthy Naturally Study after study implicates viruses as one of the killers of people’s health. Some viruses are symptomless, and in the long-term, even fatal with some illnesses. They have a propensity to stay in your system and cause long-term chronic diseases if not properly addressed. VIR is a key ingredient to staying healthy, because it addresses most viruses, and since it’s a whole food supplement there are no side effects. It’s the naturally choice for the best alternative to nullifying most viruses in general.