美国Cellular Vitality纯天然抗衰老营养浓缩精华 90粒 ¥665

美国Cellular Vitality纯天然抗衰老营养浓缩精华  90粒   ¥665
Item# CellularVitality90

Product Description


Cellular Vitality 作为一个整体支撑身体,并特别强调细胞过程。








Cellular Vitality中的维生素B是如何支持健康的?

复合维生素B具有广泛作用于体内的大多数系统。这些维生素有助于通过刺激过程让细胞产生能量来帮助身体减压(氧化还原反应)。这些维生素还参与细胞功能(例如制造DNA / RNA)和通过参与抗氧化活性来保护细胞。这种活动有助于身体保持平衡。维生素B12,B6和叶酸都有助于要么再循环或利用同型半胱氨酸。

Cellular Vitality中的其他成分是怎样支持细胞的健康的?





6卡路里 维生素B10.225毫克15% 维生素B20.25毫克15% 烟酸3.0毫克15% 维生素B60.3毫克15% 叶酸0.03毫克8% 维生素B120.45微克8% 生物素0.01毫克4% 泛酸1.0毫克10% 辅酶Q1070毫克

专利配方:1150毫克多果籽粉 (红宝石葡萄籽,蓝莓种子,小红莓籽,红树莓籽,黑树莓种子),核糖核酸,香菇粉(冬虫夏草),菠萝蛋白酶,与西洋参(根)。


Cellular Vitality

Cellular Vitality supports the body as a whole, with specific emphasis on cellular processes.

• Contains American ginseng, which acts as a body tonic for the byproducts of everyday stress • Contains B vitamins, to fuel cells and participate in numerous body processes that contribute to normal function • Provides antioxidant activity • Includes the enzyme bromelain (approximately 90 mgs per 3 capsules) from pineapple stems and juice, that, when taken between meals, modulates the body's natural inflammatory response function as it relates to periodic challenges like consumption of high-fat foods or strenuous activity • Contains coenzyme Q10, an enzyme that is essential for creation of energy within the mitochondria of cells and that helps protect cells from free radicals • Contains Cordyceps sinensis, a mushroom powder long prized in traditional Chinese medicine with a variety of bioactive compounds that contribute to fatigue management and the maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels already within normal range • Contains ribonucleic acid (RNA), compounds that can be broken apart as cells to create energy or manufacture protein

How do the B vitamins in Cellular Vitality support health? The B vitamin complex has a spectrum of action that spans most of the systems in the body. These vitamins help support the body through stress by fueling the process that creates energy for cells (oxidation-reduction reactions). These vitamins also participate in cell functions (like making DNA/ RNA) and protect cells by taking part in antioxidant activity. This activity helps the body stay balanced. Vitamin B12, B6, and folate all help either recycle or use homocysteine.

What other ingredients in Cellular Vitality support cellular health? Ribonucleic acid (RNA) contains the molecules used to make nucleoside triphosphates—the energy currency of the cell. These can be broken down and used by rapidly dividing cells (like those that line the gut or blood vessels) in order to fuel protein creation and other metabolic processes. Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally found cofactor in organ meats. It plays a vital role in the processes by which mitochondria generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP)—the fuel used by cells. Research shows that coenzyme Q10 helps protect the cells’ ability to regulate sodium/potassium levels, as well as acting to stabilize calcium movement in muscle cells. Coenzyme Q10 also helps protect cells from free radical molecules. Berry seeds have antioxidant activity to support cellular health.

Suggested Use: Three capsules per day, or as directed.

Ingredients: Amount per Serving %DV

Calories 6 Vitamin B1 0.225 mg 15% Vitamin B2 0.25 mg 15% Niacin 3.0 mg 15% Vitamin B6 0.3 mg 15% Folate 0.03 mg 8% Vitamin B12 0.45 mcg 8% Biotin 0.01 mg 4% Pantothenic Acid 1.0 mg 10% Coenzyme Q10 70 mg

Proprietary Blend: 1,150 mg Multi-fruit seed powder [ruby grape seed, blueberry seed, cranberry seed, red raspberry seed, and black raspberry seed], ribonucleic acid, mushroom powder (Cordyceps sinensis), bromelain, and American ginseng (root). Other Ingredients: Quinoa sprouts, cellulose, maltodextrin, and calcium stearate.