美国Skinny Up Maintain减肥瘦身纯天然草本植物口服液 60ml ¥413

美国Skinny Up Maintain减肥瘦身纯天然草本植物口服液   60ml    ¥413
Item# Maintain

Product Description


Skinny Up!™ Maintain是舌下含服帮助维持体重的产品。在回归正常饮食阶段时使用,Skinny Up!™ Maintain有助于遏制对任何淀粉和糖的渴望。 3周后回到正常饮食时至关重要的是“设置”下丘脑对食物的欲望,确保体重不会反弹。Skinny Up!™ Maintain也可以用于长期无糖的膳食下仍精力充沛.



Skinny Up Maintain

Skinny Up!™ Maintain is a sublingual (under the tongue) weight maintenance support product. Utilized during the Re-Train Phrase, Skinny Up!™ Maintain helps curb any cravings for starches and sugars. The 3 weeks of the Re-Train Phase are crucial to “setting” the hypothalamus and ensuring you don’t gain the weight back. Skinny Up!™ Maintain may also be taken as a life-long daily aid in living sugar-free with great energy.

Suggested Use:

Days 24 or 41 are the beginning of the RETRAIN PHASE. Three weeks enjoying more food but no sugar and no starches.