美国Nutri-West纯天然SLP Renew Lozenges营养补充剂 60片 $25.6(¥179.2)

美国Nutri-West纯天然SLP Renew Lozenges营养补充剂  60片 $25.6(¥179.2)
Item# newitem418500870

Product Description



SLP Renew Lozenges

Functional Health Series

SLP Renew is a powerful and unique formula designed to deliver calming and sleep-promoting ingredients in the quickest and most direct delivery system available – sublingual. Phenibut (a relaxing neurotransmitter that crosses the blood brain barrier) and melatonin are not as effective when they are swallowed because they get destroyed by stomach acid. SLP Renew is a great tasting sublingual lozenge that dissolves directly into the bloodstream for calming effects, with health promotion as an added benefit!



SLP Renew是一种功能强大而独特的配方,旨在以最快速,最直接的运送系统中提供平静和促进睡眠的成分 - 舌下。 骨痂(穿过血脑屏障的松弛神经递质)和褪黑激素在吞咽时因胃酸被破坏而不能有效。 SLP Renew是一个很好的品尝舌下锭剂,可以直接溶解在血液中以达到平静效果,健康促进是一个额外的好处!

Contraindications :

Do not drive or use machinery for four to five hours after taking melatonin. Taking melatonin along with sedative medications might cause too much sleepiness (WebMD). Caffeine can reduce melatonin concentrations, and may reduce the effectiveness of melatonin supplementation; it is best to consume any caffeine far away from the time of supplementation. Birth control pills and Fluvoxamine (Luvox) increase melatonin production and the compounding effect should be considered. Do not take with blood thinners. Melatonin may reduce the effectiveness of the drug nifedipine (Procardia XL).

禁忌: 服用褪黑素后四至五小时,请勿开车或使用机械。 服用褪黑素以及镇静药可能导致过多的嗜睡(WebMD)。 咖啡因可以减少褪黑素浓度,并可能降低褪黑素补充的有效性; 最好在补充期间不要饮用任何咖啡因。 避孕药和氟伏沙明(Luvox)会增加褪黑激素的产生,应考虑复方效应。 不要用血液稀释剂。 褪黑素可能会降低药物硝苯地平(Procardia XL)的疗效。

Suggested Use:

1 lozenge tablet daily or as directed.



Each Lozenge Tablet Contains: Proprietary blend 51 mg* of: Phenibut, Melatonin. Natural Peppermint Flavor and Natural Vanilla Flavor.



专有混合物51 mg *:芘,褪黑激素。 天然薄荷香精和天然香草香精。