美国Protease IFC纯天然草本植物肠胃养护营养胶囊 60粒 ¥231

美国Protease IFC纯天然草本植物肠胃养护营养胶囊     60粒   ¥231
Item# IFC

Product Description


锻炼后,尤其是在举重训练或长时间训练后,很多人会有疼痛和肌肉酸痛。肌肉变得酸痛的其中一个原因是由于在锻炼过程中产生的乳酸。Protease IFC使用的成分与如菠萝蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶(蛋白酶,有助于吸收乳酸)的成份可以解决这一问题。


Protease IFC还从包括维生素A,维生素C,维生素E,锌,硒的成份中获得它的抗氧化性能。这种特殊的混合也是利用了其他天然成分作为抗氧化剂:其中包括槲皮素,姜黄根,亚洲人参,橙皮苷;这所有的成份都在为免疫系统工作,以对抗危险的自由基---通常存在于污染中的分子通过氧化来攻击健康细胞。




维生素A(100%的β-胡萝卜素)7900 IU/158%


维生素E(如D-α生育酚琥珀酸酯)2 IU/7%

锌(如柠檬酸锌)为0.5mg/ 3%



(蛋白酶,菠萝蛋白酶,木瓜蛋白酶)(3108000 FCCPU)(58359 HUT)


(海带,爱尔兰苔藓,芦丁,葡萄籽提取物,槲皮素,α-硫辛酸,柑橘生物类黄酮复合物,玫瑰果(水果),超氧化物歧化酶,橙皮苷复合物,姜黄酮根,左旋谷胱甘肽,亚洲人参(根),刺五加(根),辅酶Q10, 银杏叶,绿茶提取物,过氧化氢酶,亚麻籽,银杏叶提取物,番茄红素,叶黄素)




Protease IFC

After working out— especially during weight training or long sessions—many people experience soreness and aching muscles. One of the reasons your muscles become sore is due to the lactic acid that is produced during your workout. Protease IFC uses ingredients with ingredients such as bromelain and papain (protease enzymes that help absorb lactic acid) to combat this.

Bromelain is used for several purposes: it’s used to help your body digest protein and as an anti-inflammatory. Papain comes from the papaya fruit and is fairly popular. Although it’s mostly it’s used to help digestion‚ it’s also valuable for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When combined‚ bromelain and papain are able to significantly reduce the symptoms of inflammation caused by minor injuries such as sprains‚ and even more serious conditions like arthritis.

Protease IFC also gets its antioxidant properties from ingredients that include vitamin A‚ vitamin C‚ vitamin E‚ zinc‚ and selenium. This specialized blend is also full of other natural ingredients that act as antioxidants: these include quercetin‚ turmeric root‚ Asian ginseng‚ and hesperidin; all of them work with your immune system to fight off dangerous free radicals—molecules often found in pollution that attack healthy cells by oxidizing them. This blend is comprised of a special combination of ingredients that prevent free radical damage‚ which includes bioflavonoids such as quercetin and rutin.

Bioflavonoids are powerful antioxidants that are particularly effective in the fight against free radicals.


Amount Per Serving / % DV

Vitamin A (100% as beta carotene) 7‚900 IU / 158%

Vitamin C (as magnesium ascorbate) 9mg / 15%

Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 2 IU / 7%

Zinc (as zinc citrate) 0.5mg / 3%

Selenium (as selenium citrate) 16mcg / 23%

Tzyme™ Protease Blend 182mg

(protease‚ bromelain‚ papain) (3‚108‚000 FCCPU) (58‚359 HUT) Tzyme™ AntiOx Blend 272mg

(Kelp‚ Irish moss‚ Rutin‚ Grape seed extract‚ Quercetin‚ Alpha-lipoic acid‚ Citrus bioflavonoid complex‚ Rose hips (fruit)‚ SOD‚ Hesperidin complex‚ Tumerin root‚ L-glutathione‚ Asian ginseng (root)‚ Eleuthero (root)‚ CoQ10‚

Gingko biloba leaf‚ Green tea extract‚ Catalase‚ Flaxseed‚ Gingko biloba leaf extract‚ Lycopenes‚ Lutein)

Other Ingredients: Cellulose‚ water‚ calcium citrate.

Suggested Use:

Take one (1) capsules three times daily on an empty stomach. Usage may be increased according to need as directed by health care practitioner