美国Whey Pro Complete纯天然营养蛋白粉 19盎司 ¥700

美国Whey Pro Complete纯天然营养蛋白粉  19盎司   ¥700
Item# newitem377113876

Product Description




Whey Pro Complete支撑体重管理,肌肉组织,免疫系统功能,和胃肠(GI)的健康。 •是蛋白质补充剂,增加蛋白质的摄入






Whey Pro Complete如何帮助体重管理? 作为一种纯天然乳制品成分的食品,乳清是最高品质的蛋白质来源之一。消耗水平较高的膳食蛋白质是帮助管理体重的有效途径,尤其是净化后,因为它可以增加饱腹感。

Whey Pro Complete是否促进肌肉的生长和修复?

Whey Pro Complete支持参加体育运动的所有年龄和类型的人的肌肉组织的健康。在乳清蛋白的必需氨基酸维持在肌肉中的蛋白质的合成,并有助于防止肌肉组织破坏。乳清蛋白还促进在接下来的运动中的氮潴恢复氮平衡。

Whey Pro Complete如何帮助保持健康的肠胃环境? 蛋白质和在乳清蛋白中的其他成分促进粘膜再生和刺激肠道吸收营养物质。菊粉,一种膳食纤维,帮助肠道的钙和镁的吸收。钙和镁对保持整个身体健康细胞代谢至关重要。乳清和菊粉用作益生元,以促进健康肠道菌群和维持在胃肠道中微生物的平衡。

服用方法:2满汤匙(勺)。每天一至三次奶昔,或遵医嘱。 特别注意:未开封的保存在阴凉,避光处。




来自脂肪的热量9 总脂肪1克2% 饱和脂肪0.5克3% 胆固醇25毫克8% 总碳水化合物2 G 1 a% 膳食纤维织物1 G 4% 糖1克 蛋白质15克30% 钙40毫克4% 钠50毫克2%


Whey Pro Complete

Whey Pro Complete supports weight management, muscle tissue, immune system function, and gastrointestinal (GI) health.

• Protein supplement to increase protein intake

• Supports healthy epithelial cells in the bowel

• Helps promote satiety

• Supports the body's natural muscle growth and repair processes

• Contains colostrum and inulin for GI-based immune system support

• Can be mixed in a supplement shake or added to foods

How does Whey Pro Complete augment weight management?

As a whole food dairy ingredient, whey is one of the highest quality protein sources. Consuming higher levels of dietary protein is an effective way to help manage weight, especially post-purification, because it can increase satiety.

Does Whey Pro Complete support muscle growth and repair?

Whey Pro Complete supports muscle tissue health in people of all ages and types of athletic activity. The essential amino acids in whey protein sustain protein synthesis in the muscle and help prevent muscle tissue breakdown. Whey protein also promotes nitrogen retention to aid in restoring nitrogen balance following exercise.

How does Whey Pro Complete help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal environment?

The proteins and other components in whey support mucosal regeneration and aid the gut in absorbing nutrients. Inulin, a type of dietary fiber, supports the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the gut. Both calcium and magnesium are essential to maintaining healthy cell metabolism throughout the body. Whey and inulin act as prebiotic substances to support healthy gut flora and maintenance of microbial balance in the gastrointestinal tract.

Suggested Use: 2 heaping tablespoons (scoops), One to three shakes per day, or as directed.

Special Information: Store unopened container in a cool, dark place.

Amount per Serving %DV

Calories 80

Calories from Fat 9

Total Fat 1 g 2%

Saturated Fat 0.5 g 3%

Cholesterol 25 mg 8%

Total Carbohydrate 2 g 1%

Dietary Fiber 1 g 4%

Sugars 1 g

Protein 15 g 30%

Calcium 40 mg 4%

Sodium 50 mg 2%

Proprietary Blend: 20 g Nondenatured whey protein concentrate (milk), nondenatured whey protein isolate (milk), colostrum (bovine), inulin (chicory), and soy lecithin.