美国Proargi- 9+纯天然草本植物心脑保健营养粉剂 30包 ¥525

美国Proargi- 9+纯天然草本植物心脑保健营养粉剂       30包     ¥525
Item# Proargi

Product Description


ProArgi-9 +是Synergy公司最畅销的产品,是任何营养生的基石。每小包含元素制药品级L-精氨酸的5000毫克(5克)。通常被称为“奇迹分子的”L-精氨酸具有有效地增进健康的特性。

L-精氨酸的显著特性由1998年诺贝尔医学奖进行了验证,并自那以后,在医药和营养保健领域创造了狂热的兴趣。 L-精氨酸作为治疗剂的功效已经被数千科学临床研究所验证。

ProArgi-9+ 由主导L-精氨酸的研究人员,如J.约瑟夫·普伦德加斯特与那些已经在L-精氨酸的促进心血管健康进行了开拓性研究等正确应用的心脑血管专家的合作。这些专家已经帮助创造了市场上最好的L-精氨酸的产品。

L-精氨酸最为人知是它对心血管的益处。在人体中,L-精氨酸转化成一氧化氮,使得血管得以松弛。这样可以减少对心脏的压力,并促进血液循环。 L-精氨酸是人体的一氧化氮合成的主要来源。无一氧化氮,人也就没有了生命。 L-精氨酸也降低血液黏稠度。科学研究表明,L-精氨酸显著地降低血压水平。




• 支持心血管健康

• 增强血液流向重要器官

• 对抗心血管早衰的不良影响

• 抗衰老

• 可以帮助减少身体脂肪

• 保持已在正常范围内健康的血糖水平

• 全天然低糖甜味剂系统提供美味的混合果味

• 可提高能量水平


每份含量 % DV

维生素C (抗坏血酸)60毫克的100% 维生素D3 2500IU625% 维生素K 20mcg25% 维生素B6 2毫克100% 叶酸 200mcg50% 维生素B12 6mcg100%





Proargi- 9+

ProArgi-9 Plus is Synergy’s top selling product and the cornerstone of any nutritional regimen. Each packet contains 5,000 mg (5 grams) of elemental pharmaceutical grade l-arginine. Often referred to as the “miracle molecule,” l-arginine has potent health-enhancing properties.

The remarkable properties of l-arginine were validated by the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine, and since then have created a frenzy of interest in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical fields. The efficacy of l-arginine as a therapeutic agent has been validated by thousands of scientific clinical studies.

ProArgi-9 Plus was formulated in collaboration with leading l-arginine researchers such as J. Joseph Prendergast and other cardiovascular specialists who have conducted pioneering research in the proper application of l-arginine in promoting cardiovascular health. These experts have helped create the best l-arginine product on the market.

L-arginine is best known for its cardiovascular benefits. In the body, l-arginine is converted to nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels. This reduces stress on the heart and improves circulation. L-arginine is the body's major source for nitric oxide synthesis. Without nitric oxide, human life would not be possible. L-arginine also reduces blood viscosity. Scientific studies have shown that l-arginine significantly reduces blood pressure levels.

L-arginine also enhances health in a number of other ways. It improves immune function, stimulates the release of human growth hormone (HGH), may boost energy levels, helps to build muscle, and reduces adipose tissue body fat.

ProArgi-9 Plus is a unique product with far-reaching health benefits and powerful support for the cardiovascular system. The convenient single serving packets let you share the benefits with others or take ProArgi-9 on the go, ensuring you’ll never miss your daily dose. With ProArgi-9 Plus, you’re giving your body the support necessary for a long, healthy life.


Amount Per Serving % DV

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 60mg 100%

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 2500IU 625%

Vitamin K (Menaquinone) 20mcg 25%

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCI) 2mg 100%

Folic Acid 200mcg 50%

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 6mcg 100%

Proprietary blend: L-arginine, xylitol, pomegranate fruit extract (Punica granatum), L-citrulline, d-ribose, grape skin extract (Vitis vinifera), red wine extract.

Other ingredients:

Citric acid, malic acid, natural sweetener (inulin, fructose, pea protein, and natural flavors), silicon dioxide, natural flavors, stevia leaf extract (stevia rebaudiana), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid.


• Supports cardiovascular health

• Enhances blood flow to vital organs

• Combats the negative effects of premature cardiovascular aging

• Anti-aging benefits

• May aid in decreasing body fat

• Maintains healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range

• Delicious Mixed Berry flavor provided by all natural, low glycemic sweetening system

• May boost energy levels

Suggested Use:

Mix one packet with 8 oz. of water. Stir to dissolve. If water is very cold, mixture will take about 1 minute to dissolve.