Power Shake Y623

Item# Power

Product Description

Power Shake

630g (15 servings)

The protein in West Coast’s Whole Food Pro Meal Power Shake is the best whey protein powder for building muscle, bone, skin, and other tissues. This protein comes in powder form and is ready-to-drink. All you need is add water and a spoon. This ready-to-drink shake is your best alternative to a healthy meal. It ensures you enough protein, when used as part of a balanced, nutrient-rich diet. It helps your muscle glycogen, a fuel source to give you energy, when it’s needed. This one of a kind power shake also helps you have fewer infections, less heat exhaustion, and less muscle soreness, plus lose weight. The Power Shake compliments Thermo-Sea, the Skinny Up drops, and Ultra-Cleanse.

• Lactose Free

• 20% Dietary Fiber per serving

• Free of Gluten and Soy

• Probiotics aid digestion

• Sugar Free!

• Low Fat and Low Cholesterol

• Available in Vanilla or Chocolate flavors