美国Nutri-West纯天然CO-Q-10 Plus 营养补充剂,60粒$42.4(¥296.8)

美国Nutri-West纯天然CO-Q-10 Plus 营养补充剂,60粒$42.4(¥296.8)
Item# newitem2417914347

Product Description



CO-Q-10 Plus

Modern life can leave you feeling drained of energy. Rushing from one place to another and dealing with stress on a daily basis can make you feel tired and under the weather. When this happens‚ you might find some relief from coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)‚ also known as ubiquinone. CoQ10 is a vitamin-like substance that helps produce energy in your cells. If your CoQ10 levels are low‚ you might feel a bit sluggish.

This substance is also an antioxidant that helps protect your cells from dangerous particles known as free radicals. You can increase your CoQ10 levels by eating whole grains and oily fish. Another source of this important substance is supplements.

Co-Q-10 Plus by Nutri West gives you an effective way to boost your levels of CoQ10. This might help increase your energy levels and support heart and cardiovascular health. This supplement also contains other antioxidants to give you further protection from free radicals. Some of the active ingredients in Co-Q-10 Plus include: o Coenzyme Q10 to support a healthy heart‚ boost energy levels‚ and protect you from free radical damage o Vitamin E to give you added protection from free radicals o Olive oil to help your body absorb and transport coenzyme Q10 to where it’s needed o Quercetin to help neutralize free radicals and prevent them from causing further damage o Alpha-lipoic acid to help stop free radicals

Each bottle of Nutri West’s Co-Q-10 Plus contains 60 tablets‚ and should last for 20 days at the recommended dosage. Take one tablet three times daily‚ unless otherwise directed by your doctor.

产品介绍: 现代生活可以让你感觉精疲力竭。每天顶着压力,从一个地方奔波到另一个地方,可以使你感到疲倦和不适。发生这种情况时,您会发现辅酶Q10(辅酶Q10),也被称为泛醌可以有助于缓解。辅酶Q10是一种类似维生素的物质,帮助细胞能量的产生。如果你的辅酶Q10水平低,你可能会反应有点迟钝。 这种物质也是一种抗氧化剂,可以帮助保护您的细胞免受被称为自由基的危险颗粒的损害。您可以通过吃全麦食物和含油多的鱼来提高你的辅酶Q10水平。另一个重要的物质来源是营养补充剂。 Nutri West公司的Co-Q-10 Plus是提高你的辅酶Q10水平的有效途径。可以有助于提高你的能量水平,支持心脏和心血管健康。本补充剂还含有其它抗氧化剂,保护您免受自由基的伤害。Co-Q-10 Plus中的一些活性成分包括:

Ø辅酶Q10支持一个健康的心脏,提高能量水平,并保护您免受自由基的伤害 Ø维生素E给你免受自由基伤害进一步的保护 Ø橄榄油来帮助你的身体吸收和运输辅酶Q10到需要的地方 Ø槲皮素,帮助中和自由基,防止它们造成进一步的损害 Øα硫辛酸,帮助阻止自由基


Coenzyme Q 10 is a vitamin like nutrient that is vital to the production of energy. As one of the electron carriers in the electron transport system, it helps cells utilize oxygen. If you have ever wondered how we get energy from food, or why we have to breathe oxygen, it is because the body strips food of electrons and transports them to an electron acceptor, which is oxygen. Co Q 10 facilitates this process, providing one of the “spark plugs” for the creation of cellular energy. Without Co Q 10, we would not have enough energy to fuel the physiological reactions we need to survive. Dr. Folkers notes that Co Q 10 levels falling to 75% may cause illness, whereas falling to 25% may cause death. There is evidence showing that low Co Q 10 levels can lead to death within six months.

辅酶Q 10就像是营养维生素,对能量生产至关重要。作为在电子传输系统的电子载流子的一种,它有助于细胞利用氧。如果你曾经疑惑过我们如何从食物中获取能量,或者我们为什么要呼吸氧气,这是因为体内剥离电子的食品,然后输送到电子受体--氧气。辅酶Q 10有助于此过程中,提供创建细胞能量中的一个“火花塞”。没有辅酶Q 10,我们不会有足够的能量来推动我们赖以生存的生理反应。 Dr. Folkers指出,辅酶Q 10的水平下降到75%,可能会引起疾病,而下降到25%,可能导致死亡。有证据表明低辅酶Q 10级可以在六个月内导致死亡。

Co-enzyme Q 10 concentration in the mitochondria (sometimes called the “powerhouse” of the cell) is not believed to be saturated, which is one of the reasons researchers think that supplementation is having beneficial effects. Numerous therapeutic effects of coenzyme Q 10 have been reported, most notably in areas where oxygen transport is critical, for instance heart disease, aging and periodontal disease. Since an adequate supply of oxygen is necessary for tissue repair and immune function, many applications have been reported in these areas. Additionally, coenzyme Q 10 has therapeutic potential because of its antioxidant properties (fights damaging free radicals). It is easy to see that coenzyme Q 10 has a wide variety of functions and applications in the body, such as:

线粒体中辅酶Q 10的浓度(有时被称为细胞的“发电站”)被认为是不饱和的,这就是研究人员认为营养补充剂具有有益效果的原因之一。不胜枚举的辅酶Q 10的治疗效果已经说明众多领域中氧气传送是至关重要的,例如心脏疾病,老化和牙周疾病。因为组织修复和免疫功能都需要足够的氧,许多应用在这些领域都已报道。此外,辅酶Q 10由于其抗氧化性能的治疗潜力(抗衡有害自由基)。很容易看到辅酶Q 10在人体内具有多种功能和应用,如:

Cardiovascular The ability that coenzyme Q 10 has for increasing oxygen delivery and energy supply contributes to its reputation for supporting the cardiovascular system in clinical trials, including mitral valve prolapse, angina, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, and congestive heart failure. In one clinical trial, 150 mg/a day of coenzyme Q 10 was administered for 10 months to two patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, and results showed a significant improvement in oxygen consumption, in the ability to reach a higher workload and improvement of mitochondrial function. It should be noted that some cholesterol-lowering drugs and beta blockers can reduce the levels of Co Q 10, whereas Co Q 10 supplementation has been shown to reduce the drug-induced fatigue experienced by people taking beta blockers.

心血管 辅酶Q 10具有增加氧的输送和能量供应的能力,从而有助于其在临床试验中的信誉,包括二尖瓣脱垂,心绞痛,心肌病,高血压和充血性心脏衰竭支承心血管系统。在一项临床试验中,给两例线粒体脑肌病 每天150毫克的辅酶Q 10使用10个月,其结果表明氧的消耗显著改善,有能力达到较高的工作量和改善线粒体功能。应当注意到,一些降胆固醇药和β阻滞剂可降低辅酶Q 10的水平,而辅酶Q 10补充剂明显可以减少由于服用β阻滞剂药物产生的疲劳。

Aging With its ability to prevent mitochondrial damage and act as an antioxidant, “ it is interesting to speculate that coenzyme Q 10 might play a fundamental role in decelerating aging”. Research suggests that Co Q 10 levels decline in illness, environmental stress, and aging, and these deficiencies could play a role in the age-related decline in immune system function. In one study Co Q 10 was able to reverse the age-related deterioration of the immune system in mice.

老化 凭借其防止线粒体损伤,并作为一种抗氧化剂的能力,“一种有趣的推测:辅酶Q 10可能在减速老化中起着重要作用”。研究表明,生病,环境压力,和老化都会引起辅酶Q 10水平下降,这些不足可以引起与年龄相关的免疫系统功能衰退的作用。在一项研究中,辅酶Q 10能够逆转小鼠在与年龄相关的免疫系统的退化。

Memory Support One of the theories of impaired memory involves lack of oxygen utilization by the brain, a function that is supported by Co Q 10. The research which has been conducted on Coenzyme Q 10 suggests that sufficient coenzyme Q 10 must be administered for a long period (usually 4-12 weeks), to achieve results, which is consistent with a buildup of enzyme activity. For instance, 60 mg of coenzyme Q 10 was administered for 6 months, along with vitamin B-6 and iron, to a 49-year-old woman with Alzheimer's disease, who had a one year history of progressive memory impairment. It's believed that mitochondrial electron activity is reduced in Alzheimer's patients, and the lack of energy fuel may be implicated in furthering development of the neurofibrillary tangles seen on the nerves in Alzheimer’s. Coenzyme Q 10, of course, supports the production of mitochondrial electron activity. Post treatment, there was increased blood flow of the cerebral cortex, faster alpha wave activity, and, “her mental state improved to almost normal after 6 months of therapy....

支持记忆 • 记忆力缺损的一个理论是大脑缺氧,这个功能是由辅酶Q 10支持的。在对辅酶Q 10的研究表明必须长时间使用(通常4-12周)足够的辅酶Q 10酶活性才能达到持续的效果。例如,6个月服用60毫克辅酶Q 10,和维生素B-6和铁一起服用,49岁的阿尔茨海默氏病,有一年进步记忆障碍的历史的女子。确信,阿尔茨海默氏症患者减少了线粒体电子活性,并且缺乏能量而影响到将来神经中神经原纤维缠结的发展。当然,辅酶Q 10,支持生产线粒体电子活性。病人经治疗后,增加了大脑皮层的血流量,加快了α波活性,“6个月的治疗后,她的心理状态提高到几乎正常……

• Periodontal Condition Coenzyme Q 10, “has demonstrated excellent results in clinical trials on periodontal disease... The studies have been positive in showing a speedup of healing time, reduced pockets, and improvements in other factors associated with gum disease”. In one trial, coenzyme Q 10 elicited postsurgical healing time that was two to three times faster than usual in 7 patients with advanced periodontal disease

牙周状况 辅酶Q 10,“在牙周疾病的临床试验中展现了非常好的效果...研究明确表示加快了愈合时间,减小了伤口,并与牙龈疾病有关的其他因素得以改善。”在一项7例晚期牙周病例试验中,辅酶Q 10促使术后愈合时间比平常快两到三倍。

Antioxidant In addition to being associated with energy production, Co Q10 is a powerful antioxidant. It has the ability to decrease the amount of harmful free radical activity in the body.

抗氧化剂 除了与能量生产有关,辅酶Q10是一种强大的抗氧化剂。它具有降低人体内有害自由基活动数量的能力。

Breast Health There are not many studies that have been conducted in this area; however, research done by Lockwood et al. indicates that there is some evidence that Co Q 10 may be helpful in supporting the treatment for breast cancer。

乳房健康 在这方面还没有进行多少研究; 然而,由洛克伍德等人完成的研究的一些证据表明,辅酶Q 10可能支持治疗乳腺癌。

Obviously, there are many clinical applications for Coenzyme Q 10. Some of the benefits this nutrient offers are in supporting various physiological functions and organ systems, including: generally increasing oxygen delivery to tissues; heart function, brain function, periodontal health, antioxidant status, memory, increased blood flow, blood pressure, mitochondrial function (energy production), and tissue healing. There are so many aspects of importance in Co Q 10, that many people believe it should be included in the category of conditionally essential nutrients. It is definitely a nutrient of choice when looking to support oxygen delivery and energy production.

显然,有许多关于辅酶Q_ 10的临床应用。其中这种营养剂的好处是支持各种生理功能和器官系统,包括:通常增加氧气输送到组织; 心脏功能,脑功能,牙周健康,抗氧化状态,记忆,增加血流量,血压,线粒体功能(能量的产生),和组织愈合。辅酶Q 10有许多重要意义的方面,很多人认为它应该包括在条件性必需营养物质之类。这绝对是寻求支持氧气输送和能量产生的首选营养物质。

Suggested Use: 1 tablet three times daily, or as directed.

Swedish researches have observed that patients taking Coenzyme Q10 and Coumadin at the same time had their bleeding time significantly changed‚ and the Coumadin was less effective. If on the supplement and the drug‚ a physician should be consulted before the supplement is discontinued‚ because clotting time may be altered.

服用方法:每天三次,每次1片,或遵医嘱。 瑞典的研究已观察到患者同时服用辅酶Q10和香豆时,其出血时间显著改变,而单纯服用香豆效果甚微。如果在服用补充剂和药物,停止前请咨询医生,因为凝血时间可能会改变。

Ingredients: Amount per Serving %DV Authentic Co-Enzyme Q-10 (Ubiquinone) imported from Japan. Each Tablet Supplies: Vitamin E (as succinate) 10 i.u.‚ Co-Enzyme Q-10 50mg‚ Olive Oil 5mg‚ Quercetin 3.5mg‚ Alpha Lipoic Acid (50% R form and 50% S form) 2.5mg.


每份含量/%DV 正宗的辅酶Q-10(泛醌),从日本进口。

每片含量:维生素E(琥珀)10 i.u, 辅酶Q-10 50mg, 橄榄油5mg, 槲皮素3.5mg, 硫辛酸(50%R形式和50%S型)2.5mg。