美国Tuna Omega-3 Oil纯天然心脑血管保健深海鱼油 120片 ¥350

美国Tuna Omega-3 Oil纯天然心脑血管保健深海鱼油  120片   ¥350
Item# TunaOmega3Oil

Product Description














DHA对大脑效率至关重要。DHA不仅作用于大脑的结构中,它也作用于细胞水平,以鼓励进出细胞的迅速和高效的信息传输。 DHA有助于细胞膜的启闭正常,以备我们去思考,记忆,保持积极的态度,更强大的承受能力面对人生的跌宕起伏。




在其他重要的营养物质中,准妈妈需要充足的膳食DHA来支持正常的胎儿大脑发育。 DHA还对眼睛的正常发育和功能至关重要。






来自脂肪的热量10 总脂肪1.5克2% 胆固醇7毫克2% 金枪鱼油1,330毫克 DHA 300毫克 EPA 60毫克



Tuna Omega-3 Oil

Delivers essential omega-3 fatty acids.

• Natural profile of tuna oil—not concentrated

• Supports normal lipid profiles within normal range

• Supports the body's natural inflammatory response function as it relates to periodic challenges like consumption of high-fat meal or strenuous activity

• Supports cognition

• Supports skin and hair health

• Supports emotional balance

• DHA is important for proper fetal eye and brain development.

• Supportive but not conclusive research has shown that EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Does Tuna Omega-3 Oil support a healthy heart?

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA support normal lipid profiles already within a normal range. Supportive but not conclusive research has shown that EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

How does Tuna Omega-3 Oil help support brain health?

DHA is crucial to brain efficiency. While DHA is used in the structure of our brains, it also works at the cellular level to encourage prompt and efficient message transfer in and out of the cells. DHA helps the cell membranes open and close properly, so that we are prepared to think, remember, maintain a positive outlook, and meet life’s ups and downs with greater emotional stability.

How do omega-3s support healthy immune system function?

Omega-3s play an important role in the production of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that help modulate the body’s natural inflammatory response system.

How do omega-3s support proper fetal development?

Among other important nutrients, expectant mothers need plenty of dietary DHA to support proper fetal brain development. DHA is also vital for proper development and function of the eyes.

Suggested Use: Two perles twice per day with meals, or as directed.

Special Information: For patients with questionable vitamin B status, you may consider recommending Folic Acid B12.


Amount per Serving %DV

Calories 10

Calories from Fat 10

Total Fat 1.5 g 2%

Cholesterol 7 mg 2%

Tuna Oil 1,330 mg

DHA 300 mg

EPA 60 mg

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin, water, carob, and mixed tocopherols (soy).

Store in a cool dark place.