美国Calamari Omega-3 Liquid促进心脑血管健康营养液 200毫升 ¥714

美国Calamari Omega-3 Liquid促进心脑血管健康营养液   200毫升   ¥714
Item# CalamariOmega3Liquid

Product Description


Calamari Omega-3 Liquid是一种增加ω-3必需脂肪酸的摄入量进行有针对性的系统支持,以及整体健康的便捷的,可持续的方式。
















每份含量%DV 36卡路里 卡路里来自脂肪32 总脂肪3.5克5% 饱和脂肪0.7克4% 多不饱和脂肪1.5克 不饱和脂肪0.8克 胆固醇110毫克37% 总碳水化合物1克<2 DHA800毫克 EPA400毫克


Calamari Omega-3 Liquid

Calamari Omega-3 Liquid is a convenient, sustainable way to increase omega-3 essential fatty acid intake for targeted system support, as well as overall well-being.

• Natural concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA

• Perfect for those who cannot or prefer not to swallow pills, especially children and the elderly

• Supports cardiovascular health

• Assists in triglyceride management for triglyceride levels already in a normal range

• Supports normal blood pressure already within a normal range

• Supports healthy normal blood coagulation

• Supports a healthy immune system

• Supports the body's natural inflammatory response function as it relates to periodic challenges like consumption of a high-fat meal, or strenuous activity

• Supports cognition

• Promotes emotional balance

• Supports people at all stages of life

• Supports skin, nail, and hair health

• Supportive but not conclusive research has shown that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Suggested Use: 1 teaspoon (5 mL) per day, or as directed. May be taken with meals.


Amount per Serving %DV

Calories 36

Calories From Fat 32

Total Fat 3.5 g 5%

Saturated Fat 0.7 g 4%

Polyunsaturated Fat 1.5 g

Monounsaturated Fat 0.8 g

Cholesterol 110 mg 37%

Total Carbohydrate 1 g <2

DHA 800 mg †

EPA 400 mg †

Other Ingredients: Calamari oil (squid), natural flavor, and vitamin E (soy).