美国Tuna Omega-3 Chewable纯天然橘味心脑血管保健咀嚼片 120片 ¥350

美国Tuna Omega-3 Chewable纯天然橘味心脑血管保健咀嚼片  120片  ¥350
Item# TunaOmega3Chewable120

Product Description














二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)和二十碳五烯酸(EPA)支持许多相关联的通路。 例如:




•心血管健康:对于人类,支持性的但不是决定性的研究已经表明,EPA和DHA的ω-3脂肪酸可以减少冠状动脉心脏疾病的风险。 ω-3脂肪酸支持已经在正常范围内的血脂平衡。











总脂肪1.5克2% 维生素D100国际单位25% 维生素E5 IU15% 胆固醇6毫克2% 金枪鱼油1080毫克 DHA240毫克 EPA50毫克


Tuna Omega-3 Chewable

With natural organge flavoring, delivers essential omega-3 fatty acids

• Contains vitamin D to help support bone and teeth health and a healthy immune system

• Natural profile of tuna oil—not concentrated

• Supports normal lipid profiles already within normal range

• Supports the body's natural inflammatory response function as it relates to periodic challenges like consumption of a high-fat meal or strenuous activity

• Provides antioxidant vitamin E

• Supports cognition

• Supports skin and hair health

• Supports emotional balance

• DHA is important for proper fetal eye and brain development.

• Supportive but not conclusive research has shown that EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

How do omega-3s support health?

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) support a great many interrelated pathways. For example:

• Cognition: Phospholipids in brain cells and neural tissue contain high amounts of DHA, making it a major building block of the brain and nervous system.

• Mother and baby during pregnancy and lactation: Omega-3s are needed for proper fetal eye and brain development.

• The body’s natural inflammatory function: Especially as it relates to periodic challenges like consumption of a high-fat meal or strenuous activity

• Cardiovascular health: In humans, supportive but not conclusive research has shown that EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Omega-3s support lipid profiles already within a normal range. Omega-3s also provide antioxidant activity and support the immune system, emotional balance, and skin and hair health.

How does vitamin D support health?

Vitamin D is required for a range of actions in the body. It regulates calcium absorption and bone metabolism, both of which are essential processes for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It supports immune function at the cellular level via vitamin D receptors that are active in many immune cells. It also supports healthy blood pressure levels already within a normal range by its regulation of the blood pressure hormone renin in the kidneys.

What does vitamin E contribute to this formula?

Vitamin E helps protect cells against free radical damage, provides support to cell membranes, and helps protect against the oxidation of lipids within the body.

Suggested Use: Two perles twice per day with meals, or as directed.


Amount per Serving %DV

Calories 10

Calories from Fat 10

Total Fat 1.5 g 2%

Vitamin D 100 IU 25%

Vitamin E 5 IU 15%

Cholesterol 6 mg 2%

Tuna Oil 1,080 mg

DHA 240 mg

EPA 50 mg

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin, water, carob, natural flavor, vitamin E (soy), and cholecalciferol.