美国NEED Nutrient & Enzyme Enriched Dietary Supplement Vanilla纯天然草本植物肠胃护养营养粉剂 990g ¥420

美国NEED Nutrient & Enzyme Enriched Dietary Supplement Vanilla纯天然草本植物肠胃护养营养粉剂       990g    ¥420
Item# NEED

Product Description


当我们过着忙碌的生活,或者总是在旅途中,可能很难保持一个健康的日常饮食,甚至更难得到身体需要的营养物质。Transformation Enzyme提供了一种粉状产品,它提供每日必需营养的理想支持 - 为了孩子和成人!


• 包含所有必需的维生素,矿物质和酶,足以支持健康的生活方式

• 每一份提供10克乳清蛋白而只有2克脂肪

• 包含17种不同的酶,支持营养成分的输送

• 无面麸蛋白和大豆,美味的香草味

• 给不平衡的饮食提供营养支持

• 帮助维持体重

• 适用于儿童和成人




卡路里134 来自脂肪18卡路里--- 总脂肪2克 ---饱和脂肪1克 胆固醇5毫克 总碳水化合物21克 ---膳食纤维0克 ---糖12克 蛋白质10克 维生素A 100% 维生素C 100% 钙(磷酸钙)22% 维生素B1(硫胺素)100% 维生素B2(核黄素)100% 维生素B3(烟酸)100% 维生素B5(泛酸钙)100% 维生素B6(盐酸吡哆素)100% 维生素B8(生物素)100% 维生素B12(氰钴胺)100% 维生素D 100% 维生素E 100% 维生素K 100% 铁(硫酸亚铁)7% 叶酸100% 钠(氯化钠)5% 镁(硫酸镁)25% 锰(硫酸锰)35% 钾(磷酸钾)2% 锌(硫酸锌)35% 铜(硫酸铜)100% 磷10% 碘(碘化钾)100% 硒100% 铬100% 钼100% 氯化物2% 牛磺酸25毫克 硫辛酸25毫克 Tzyme酶混合200毫克 ---(蛋白酶,糖化酶,半牛乳糖,植酸酶,肽酶,淀粉酶,脂肪酶,菠萝蛋白酶,蔗糖,碳霉糖,木聚糖酶,果胶酶,木瓜蛋白酶,淀粉酶,乳糖酶,纤维素酶,半纤维素)






如果正在怀孕或哺乳期,请使用本产品前咨询您的医疗保健专业人士。 放在儿童接触不到的地方。

NEED Nutrient & Enzyme Enriched Dietary Supplement Vanilla

When you live a busy lifestyle and are always on the go, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy daily diet and even more difficult to get the nutrients your body needs.

Transformation Enzyme offers a powdered product that provides the ideal support for daily nutrition--for kids and adults!

Product Features for NEED:

• Contains all of the essential vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that are necessary to support a healthy lifestyle

• Every serving provides 10 grams of whey protein and only 2 grams of fat

• Contains a blend of 17 different enzymes that support the delivery of nutritious ingredients

• Free from gluten and soy, and comes with a great-tasting vanilla flavor

• Delivers nutritional support for an imbalanced diet

• Provides support for weight management

• Ideal for use by children and adults

NEED Nutrient & Enzyme Enriched Dietary Supplement tastes great when moved with your favorite beverage or smoothie, and provides the right balance of carbs, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals for those in search of better health and better nutrition.


1 level scoop (approx. 33g) contains:

Calories 134

---Calories from Fat 18

Total Fat 2g

---Saturated Fat 1g

Cholesterol 5mg

Total Carbohydrate 21g

---Dietary Fiber 0g

---Sugars 12g

Protein 10g

Vitamin A 100%

Vitamin C 100%

Calcium (calcium phosphate) 22%

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 100%

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 100%

Vitamin B3 (niacin) 100%

Vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate) 100%

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl) 100%

Vitamin B8 (biotin) 100%

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 100%

Vitamin D 100%

Vitamin E 100%

Vitamin K 100%

Iron (ferrous sulfate) 7%

Folic Acid 100%

Sodium (sodium chloride) 5%

Magnesium (magnesium sulfate) 25%

Manganese (manganese sulfate) 35%

Potassium (potassium phosphate) 2%

Zinc (zinc sulfate) 35%

Copper (copper sulfate) 100%

Phosphorus 10%

Iodine (potassium iodide) 100%

Selenium 100%

Chromium 100%

Molybdenum 100%

Chloride 2%

Taurine 25mg

Alpha Lipoic Acid 25mg

Tzyme Enzyme Blend 200mg

---(Protease, Glucoamylase, Alpha-glactosidase, Phytase, Peptidase, Amylase, Lipase, Bromelain, Invertase, Macerase, Xylanase, Pectinase, Papain, Diastase, Lactase, Cellulase, Hemicellulose)

Other Ingredients:

maltodextrin, hydrolysed whey protein (amino acids), MCT oil, natural vanilla flavor, fructose, calcium citrate.

This product contains MILK derived ingredients. Individuals who are allergic to "milk" products may experience food allergies with this product.

Suggested Use:

Add 1 level scoop (or more, as directed by your healthcare practitioner) of powder to one cup (8 ounces) of water, juice, or soy beverage as desired. Mix or shake until dissolved, then drink. Alternatively, mix with 8 ounces of favorite beverage (water, juice, soy), add 8 ice cubes, and blend. Fresh fruit may also be blended in as desired.

1 scoop per day between meals or with meals. More may be taken as per healthcare professional recommendation or to provide needed nutrients to the body.


If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.