美国Cod Liver Oil纯天然深海鱼油 180片 ¥448

美国Cod Liver Oil纯天然深海鱼油 180片  ¥448
Item# CodLiverOil180

Product Description


Standard Process公司的 Cod Liver Oil解决维生素A缺乏和维生素D缺乏,同时支持人体健康的免疫系统功能。经过细心加工以确保此鱼肝油每份维持维生素A,维生素D和300毫克的DHA和210毫克的EPAω-3脂肪酸的自然形态。















因为我们的鱼肝油是经过温柔、自然地处理的,维生素A和D将被保留。Standard Process公司的Cod Liver Oil天然含有多种维生素A酯,让我们的Cod Liver Oil也有与食品中的维生素A多酯类似的组成。维生素A支持眼睛健康、免疫系统、和上皮组织。维生素D支持健康的骨骼和牙齿,钙,磷的吸收和免疫系统的健康。


每份Cod Liver Oil给膳食补助小量的自然产生的辅酶Q10。辅酶Q10是至关重要的酶,是创建能量的细胞的线粒体内的酶以及有助于保护细胞免受自由基。

服用方法:每天3 PERLES,或遵医嘱。储存在阴凉,避光的地方。





来自脂肪的热量27 总脂肪3.0克6%


维生素A2000 IU40%

维生素D90 IU20%

鱼肝油3000毫克 DHA300毫克





Cod Liver Oil

Standard Process Cod Liver Oil addresses vitamin A deficiency and vitamin D deficiency while supporting the body’s healthy immune system function. Careful processing ensures this cod liver oil maintains its natural profile of vitamin A, vitamin D, and 300 mg of DHA and 210 mg of EPA omega-3 fatty acids per serving.

• Natural profile of vitamin A and vitamin D

• Supports immune response function

• Supports healthy eyes and skin

• Supports epithelial tissue

• Supports bone and tooth health

• Supports musculoskeletal system

• May support mood challenges and liver function

• Supports the body’s natural inflammatory response function as it relates to periodic challenges like consumption of high fat-foods or strenuous activity

• In convenient perles with a natural lemon flavor

• Provides EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids that, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease

How do the omega-3 fatty acids found in this product support health?

Cod Liver Oil contains omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) that are strongly associated with good health. According to the FDA, supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. EPA and DHA are most studied for their ability to modulate the body’s natural inflammatory response function as it relates to periodic challenges like strenuous exercise. Other areas of investigation are gut health, lung function, and effect on pathways that contribute to a healthy mood.

How do vitamins A and D support health?

Because our cod liver oil is handled gently, naturally occurring vitamins A and D are preserved. Cod Liver Oil from Standard Process naturally contains multiple vitamin A esters, allowing our Cod Liver Oil to have a similar makeup to the multi-ester presence of vitamin A in foods. Vitamin A supports the health of the eyes, immune system, and epithelial tissue. Vitamin D supports healthy bones and teeth, the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and immune system health.

Is naturally occurring coenzyme Q10 found in this product? Each serving of Cod Liver Oil contributes a small amount of naturally occurring coenzyme Q10 to the diet. Coenzyme Q10 is an enzyme that is essential for creation of energy within the mitochondria of cells and that helps protect cells from free radicals.

Suggested Use: Three perles per day, or as directed. Store in cool, dark place.

Caution: This product is processed in a facility that manufactures other products containing soy, milk, egg, wheat, peanut, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.


Calories 27

Calories from Fat 27

Total Fat 3.0 g 6%

Cholesterol 12 mg 4%

Vitamin A 2,000 IU 40%

Vitamin D 90 IU 20%

Cod Liver Oil 3,000 mg

DHA 300 mg

EPA 210 mg

Total Omega-3 630 mg

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerine, water, natural flavor, carob, vitamin E (soy), and rosemary extract.

Special information: Store in a cool, dark place.