美国Joint Health纯天然草本植物关节骨骼营养胶囊 30粒 ¥340

美国Joint Health纯天然草本植物关节骨骼营养胶囊    30粒   ¥340
Item# Joint

Product Description


TPP关节健康补充剂旨在提高关节更大的灵活性,关节的舒适度,并与品牌NEM的蛋壳膜一起增加关节的运动范围,以帮助关节的移动性和软骨和结缔组织的健康生产。 与NEM®和酶一起帮助骨骼系统的健康。 这个协同配方还包括高活性脂肪酶和蛋白酶,以帮助正常的血液循环从而进行有效的营养输送和产生能量。


• NEM®品牌的蛋壳膜:该食品中的葡萄糖胺,软骨素,皮肤素,硫酸角质素,透明质酸的源,和其它天然存在的葡糖胺聚糖和关键的生物活性蛋白质如胶原已被证明是能够帮助关节的舒适性和灵活性的。NEM®品牌的蛋壳膜,是一种新的膳食补充剂,包含天然存在的蛋白质,是维持关节软骨和周围滑膜组织健康所必需的。

• 蛋白酶混合物:Transformation公司的蛋白酶促进整体心血管,肌肉和免疫系统的健康,以及增进蛋白质的消化。

• 脂肪酶:脂肪酶在关节健康中起着有助于分解和利用蛋壳膜中的脂肪的作用,以加强组织的吸收。





Joint Health

TPP Joint Health encourages increased flexibility, joint comfort, and range of motion with NEM brand eggshell membrane to support joint mobility and the healthy production of cartilage and connective tissue. Supports skeletal system health with NEM® and enzymes. This synergistic formulation also includes highly active lipase and protease enzymes to support proper blood flow for effective nutrient delivery and production of energy.

Transformation’s clinical belief is to look first to a balanced diet which provides the nutrition we need for well-being and health. However, many times we find diet alone is not enough. Our modern lifestyle can affect our food choices, digestion, and absorption of nutrients.

Supplementation is required for a healthy skeletal and muscular system, and Transformation has searched and found food sources that provide specific nourishment for the joints and connective tissues.

• NEM® brand eggshell membrane: This food source of glucosamine, chondroitin, dermatan, keratan sulfate, hyaluronic acid, and other naturally occurring glycosaminoglycans and key bioactive proteins like collagen has been shown to support joint comfort and flexibility.*

NEM® brand eggshell membrane is a novel dietary supplement that contains naturally occurring proteins essential for maintaining healthy articular cartilage and the surrounding synovial tissue (membrane).

• Protease Blend: Transformation’s systemic protease enzymes promote overall cardiovascular, muscular, and immune system health.

• Lipase: The lipase enzymes in Joint Health help break down and utilize the fats in the eggshell membrane for improved tissue absorption.

• Echinacea Angustifolia root‚ which may strengthen your immune system’s ability to fight bacteria and fungi


Other Ingredients Cellulose, Water, Beet Root Fiber

Suggested Use:

One capsule per day with at least 8 oz. of liquid or as directed by a health care practitioner.