美国Betaine Hydrochloride纯天然肠胃养护营养片 90片 ¥210

美国Betaine Hydrochloride纯天然肠胃养护营养片  90片  ¥210
Item# newitem377119961

Product Description



产品介绍 Betaine Hydrochloride帮助胃肠道的正常pH值。 •促进健康的蛋白质消化 •促进健康的胃酸pH值 •增强钙,铁和维生素B12的吸收

Betaine Hydrochloride如何促进健康蛋白质的消化? Betaine Hydrochloride增强肠道盐酸的适当的消化和整体胃肠功能的水平。蛋白质的全部消化和氨基酸的吸收需要正常水平的盐酸。胃蛋白酶促进胃中蛋白质的消化。

Betaine Hydrochloride如何促进健康的胃肠功能? 盐酸补充剂被认为通过支持使蛋白质变性和吸收矿物质和维生素,包括钙,铁和维生素B12的胃酸分泌来促进消化,尤其是老年人。 由胃分泌的盐酸通过将胃蛋白酶原转换为胃蛋白酶来促进蛋白质的消化,这种酶将蛋白质分解为肽酶和氨基酸。本产品含有胃蛋白酶,以增强这一过程。

Betaine Hydrochloride可在专业医务人员的指导下长期使用。

哪些人群可以受益于Betaine Hydrochloride? 在老年人群中胃盐酸水平普遍较低。减少胃液酸度可以有助于与年龄有关的骨质重量和密度的挑战。Betaine Hydrochloride可在专业医务人员的指导下长期使用。

服用方法:每餐两片,或遵医嘱。 特别提示:不建议嚼本产品。

主要成份: 每份含量%DV 1卡路里

专有掺合物:605毫克盐酸甜菜碱,氯化铵,乳酸钙,胃蛋白酶(1:10,000)和柠檬酸镁。 其他成分:纤维素,乳糖(牛奶),和硬脂酸钙。

Betaine Hydrochloride

Betaine Hydrochloride supports normal gastrointestinal pH.

• Supports healthy protein digestion

• Promotes healthy gastric pH

• Enhances calcium, iron, and vitamin B12 absorption

How does Betaine Hydrochloride support healthy protein digestion?

Betaine Hydrochloride increases the level of hydrochloric acid in the gut for proper digestion and overall gastrointestinal function. Normal levels of hydrochloric acid are required for complete digestion of proteins and absorption of amino acids. Pepsin supports protein digestion in the stomach.

How does Betaine Hydrochloride support healthy gastrointestinal function?

Supplemental hydrochloric acid is thought to help digestion by supporting gastric acid secretions needed to denature proteins and absorb minerals and vitamins, including calcium, iron, and vitamin B12, particularly for older adults.

Hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach assists protein digestion by converting pepsinogen to pepsin, the enzyme that breaks down proteins into peptides and amino acids. This product contains pepsin to support this process.

Betaine Hydrochloride may be used for long-term support, as directed by a health care professional.

Who can benefit from taking Betaine Hydrochloride?

Lower levels of hydrochloric acid may be more common in older individuals. Reduced gastric acidity may contribute to age-related bone weight and density challenges. Betaine Hydrochloride may be used for long-term support, as directed by a health care professional.

Suggested Use: Two tablets per meal, or as directed.

Special Information: Chewing this product is not recommended.

Ingredients: Amount per Serving %DV Calories 1

Proprietary Blend: 605 mg Betaine hydrochloride, ammonium chloride, calcium lactate, pepsin (1:10,000), and magnesium citrate.

Other Ingredients: Cellulose, lactose (milk), and calcium stearate.