美国Nutri-West纯天然Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 (成人配方)营养液,8盎司 $76(¥532)

美国Nutri-West纯天然Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 (成人配方)营养液,8盎司 $76(¥532)
Item# newitem1417913527

Product Description



Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 Liquid (Adult Formula)

Omega-3 fatty acids have been gaining a lot of attention recently‚ and rightfully so. They may help maintain a whole host of healthy bodily functions. That's why Nutri West's Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 Liquid has been formulated with EPA‚ DHA‚ and more to potentially support your body with these essential fatty acids.

EPA Also known as Eicosapentaenoic acid‚ this essential fatty acid is derived from various marine animals and seaweeds. In terms of health benefits‚ it's possible that EPA may feature anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been suggested that this essential omega-3 fatty acid possesses the ability to potentially deter blood clots‚ which can have certain implications for cardiovascular health.

DHA Often used in conjunction with EPA‚ DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is also found in cold-water marine animals. As a supplement‚ some individuals utilize DHA to potentially aid in the development of the eyes. Additionally‚ and similarly to EPA‚ DHA may pose potential benefits for cardiovascular issues like blood thickness‚ level of triglycerides‚ and possibly more. Flaxseed Oil Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 Liquid is also formulated with flaxseed oil because it is a source of alpha-linolenic acid‚ or ALA. This omega-3 fatty acid is believed by some to possibly help promote cardiovascular health. It is also possible for our bodies to synthesize EPA from dietary ALA like the kind found in flaxseed oil.

For added benefit‚ Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 Liquid is also formulated with Vitamin E (which may have antioxidant properties) and black currant seed oil.

产品介绍: Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 Liquid (Adult Formula )(成人配方)

毫无疑问地,ω-3脂肪酸最近得到了很多关注。因为它们可以有助于维持种种健康的身体机能。这就是为什么Nutri West公司的Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 Liquid由EPA,DHA等研配而成,用这些必需脂肪酸来支持你的身体。

EPA 也被称为二十碳五烯酸,该必需脂肪酸是从各种海洋动物和海藻衍生而来的。就健康的利益而言,EPA可能具有抗炎的特性。还有人提出,这种必需ω-3脂肪酸具有潜在的止血功能,其对心血管健康可有一定的影响力。

DHA DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)通常与EPA一起使用,也是存在于冷水海洋动物中。一些人因为DHA对眼睛发育的潜在作用而把它作为营养补充剂。此外,与EPA一样,DHA可以对心血管问题,像血液厚度,甘油三酯水平等起到潜在的作用。

亚麻籽油 Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 Liquid配方也含有亚麻籽油,因为亚麻籽油是α-亚麻酸,或ALA的来源。有些人认为该ω-3脂肪酸是可以有助于促进心血管健康。另外,我们的身体也可能从存在于膳食中亚麻籽油中的ALA合成EPA。 另外的好处是,Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 Liquid由维生素E(其具有抗氧化性能)和黑加仑种子油配方而成。

Suggested Use: 1 teaspoon daily or as directed 服用方法:每天一平勺,或遵医嘱

Ingredients: Amount per Serving %DV Inositol 400 mg

Other Ingredients: Honey and calcium stearate.

主要成份: 肌醇400毫克 其它成份:蜂蜜和硬脂酸钙。