美国H Drain纯天然草本植物排毒养颜营养口服液 1盎司 ¥105

美国H Drain纯天然草本植物排毒养颜营养口服液     1盎司     ¥105
Item# H-Drain

Product Description


Transformation Enzyme公司的H Drain是一个高浓度,迅速吸收的草本植物产品,有助于消除代谢循环系统产生的废物,保持干净的组织液,从而促进人体细胞的最佳生存状态和运行。帮助循环系统清除代谢废物。

• 所有Transformation Enzyme配方都经过精心准备,以保证最高的质量和效益。

• 无添加剂或酒精


一般情况下,循环系统保持一个合适的环境, 以促进组织液的细胞的最佳存活状态和运行。通过矿物质,脂肪,和/或细胞废物浓度的改变而改变血液中的内容,可以很容易地改变这个不断流淌的河流的整体粘度。












H Drain

H Drain by Transformation Enzyme is a concentrated, rapidly assimilated herbal product that assists the circulatory system in eliminating metabolic waste and maintain tissue fluids and therefore promotes optimal survival and functioning of the body's cells. Support for the circulatory system in removing metabolic waste*

•All Transformation formulas are carefully prepared to assure maximum quality and benefit.

•Free of additives or alcohol

The primary function of the circulatory system is to service the diverse needs of the various tissues in the body. This includes the transportation of nutrients to the interstitium for the cell, the removal of cellular waste debris, and the carrying of hormones from their site of production to their site of activation.

In general, the circulatory system maintains a suitable environment in tissue fluids for the optimal survival and functioning of the cell. Alteration in blood content through an alteration in minerals, fats, and/or concentrations of cellular waste can easily change the overall viscosity of this ever-flowing river.

Once the viscosity is altered, the resistance of the microcirculation and the greater circulation may then become impaired, which may result in lower concentrations of oxygen being delivered to the cell, reduced nutrient uptake from the absorptive cells of the small intestine, and a depleted ability to remove waste products from the interstitium. This cascade of negative occurrences may ultimately result in diminished cellular metabolism, respiration, and reproduction.


Each dropper (1ml) serving contains:

Sarsaparilla (Smilax ornate) 10.5 ml

Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) 9 ml

Burdock (Arctium lappa) 7.5 ml

Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale) 3 ml

Other Ingredients: Kosher vegetable glycerine and filtered water.

Contains NO: additives or alcohol.

Contains NO: fillers.

Suggested Use:

Adults: Take one dropper of extract in a small amount of water between meals 3 to 4 times daily.