美国Cataplex GTF纯天然促消化草本植物营养素 90片 ¥245

美国Cataplex GTF纯天然促消化草本植物营养素  90片  ¥245
Item# Cataplex

Product Description


Cataplex GTF支持碳水化合物的消化。


• 鼓励在细胞水平上健康的血糖利用率








维生素A500 IU10% 维生素C1.6毫克2% 烟酸9.5毫克50% 铬48微克40%



Cataplex GTF supports carbohydrate digestion.

• Supports healthy blood sugar levels when already within a normal range

• Encourages healthy blood sugar utilization at the cellular level

• Supports healthy cholesterol levels that are already within a normal range

• Contains chromium, an essential part of the biologically active complex that is involved in carbohydrate metabolism

• Combines chromium, L-cysteine hydrochloride, and pancreatic Cytosol™ extract along with synergistic ingredients

Suggested Use: One tablet per meal, or as directed


Amount per Serving %DV

Calories 2

Vitamin A 500 IU 10%

Vitamin C 1.6 mg 2%

Niacin 9.5 mg 50%

Chromium 48 mcg 40%

Proprietary Blend: 317 mg Bovine liver†, nutritional yeast, dried buckwheat (leaf) juice, buckwheat (seed), bovine pancreas Cytosol™ extract, inositol†, L-cysteine hydrochloride, bovine adrenal Cytosol™ extract, and oat flour.

Other Ingredients: Honey, chromium yeast, niacinamide, ascorbic acid, calcium stearate, arabic gum, starch, sucrose (beets), and vitamin A palmitate.