美国Fusion Minerals纯天然草本植物营养补充液 120ml ¥525

美国Fusion Minerals纯天然草本植物营养补充液     120ml      ¥525
Item# Fusion

Product Description



Fusion Minerals 是一种全天然的强力的专业矿物质补充剂。一种微量元素太多可导致身体不平衡而生病,而不是不生病。简单地说,微量元素和矿物质必须存在于相对平衡的流体,细胞,器官,和身体组织中以促进人体健康。这就是为什么我们开发了融合矿物质。我们相信这是最好的产品因为它是均衡了的。 West Coast Fusion Minerals 独家生产,在今天的市场上,无人可比。

Fusion Minerals

4 fl oz (120 ml) bottle

Fusion Minerals is a professional strength all natural mineral supplement. Too much of one trace element can lead to imbalances in others resulting in disease, rather than the absence of disease. Simply stated, trace elements and minerals must exist in relative balance in the fluids, cells, organs, and tissues of the body to contribute to human health. This is why we’ve developed Fusion Minerals. We believe this is the best product out there for mineral consumption because of it being balanced. There is nothing comparable to Fusion Minerals on the market today as this is formulated for West Coast exclusively.