美国ExcellZyme纯天然草本植物营养补充胶囊 60粒 ¥160

美国ExcellZyme纯天然草本植物营养补充胶囊   60粒   ¥160
Item# ExcellZyme

Product Description





---淀粉酶5000 DU ---蛋白酶7200 HTU ---纤维素酶400 CU ---脂肪酶24 FCCLU 约塔科拉(草)300毫克 玫瑰果(水果)220mg 紫花苜蓿果汁浓。为150mg 刺五加(根)150毫克 银杏叶为50mg 银杏叶提取物10mg的 葡萄籽提取物为40mg 其他成分:植物胶囊(纤维素和水)。 不含添加剂。 酶活性是衡量食品用化学品法典(FCC)为单位。




• 支持提高能量和保持头脑清晰 • 在没有给神经强烈的刺激下,支持脑力和体力 • 绝对没有添加剂


ExcellZyme by Transformation Enzyme is a natural supplement for supporting natural energy boosting.

Our stressful lifestyles can sometimes include fatigue, sluggishness, and lack of focus. This unique formula helps oxygenate red blood cells for improved energy and mental clarity. The result is a potent yet natural form of nutritional support for mental and physical energy without giving the "nervous" feeling of typical stimulants.

Recommended For:

• Support for improving energy and mental clarity

• Support for mental and physical energy without giving the "nervous" feeling of typical stimulants

• Absolutely no fillers


2 capsules contain:

---Amylase 5,000 DU

---Protease 7,200 HUT

---Cellulase 400 CU

---Lipase 24 FCCLU

Gota Kola (herb) 300mg

Rose Hips (fruit) 220mg

Alfalfa Juice Conc. 150mg

Eleuthero (root) 150mg

Gingko Biloba Leaf 50mg

Gingko Biloba Leaf Extract 10mg

Grape Seed Extract 40mg

Other Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (cellulose and water).

Contains NO: fillers.

Enzyme activity is measured in Food Chemical Codex (FCC) units.

Suggested Use:

Adults: Two capsules between meals two times a day or as needed for energy and balancing. Take with adequate liquid. Two piece capsules may be pulled apart and ingredients mixed with food.