美国Epimune Complex纯天然营养保健浓缩精华 90片 ¥910

美国Epimune Complex纯天然营养保健浓缩精华  90片   ¥910
Item# EpimuneComplex90

Product Description










舞茸蘑菇如何支持免疫系统的健康? 从蘑菇中提取出来的舞茸粉蘑菇粉(灰树花)在亚洲传统医学使用上历史悠久。最先记载舞茸的用途是在公元前200到公元200年间,当时被称为“羊头”或“树林里的母鸡”,它被用来改善脾胃的挑战,以及对镇静神经和头脑。 MaitakeGold404®是从舞茸蘑菇的专利提取物,利用这些蘑菇对健康支持混合的优势。这种提取物含有选自葡聚糖 - 蛋白质复合物的免疫调节混合物。

为什么在Epimune Complex中包含土耳其尾香菇? 土耳其尾香菇粉(科里奥尤斯花斑癣)是从遍布北美,亚洲和欧洲广泛生长的蘑菇制成的。土耳其尾香菇,也称为“云蘑菇”,在亚洲传统医学使用的悠久历史。这种蘑菇在中国明代就有数据记载。作者李时珍写道,这种蘑菇对于精神,生命能量和活力都很好。


主要成份: 每份含量%DV 4卡路里 维生素C20毫克30% 钙30毫克,每日2% 锌10毫克60%

专有的混合量:706毫克干酵母发酵(EpiCor®),火鸡尾香菇粉,舞茸蘑菇粉,舞茸蘑菇提取物(灰树花黄金404®)。 其他配料:乳酸钙,纤维素,锌大米螯合物,樱桃树(果实)和木薯(根)。

Epimune Complex

Vegetarian Immune Support Designed to Balance Immune System Response

• Supports specific aspects of immune activity and contains research-supported ingredients such as EpiCor® and maitake and turkey tail mushrooms

• Supports healthy white blood cells

• Helps support respiratory health year-round, especially during seasonal challenges

• Helps activate and balance a healthy immune system response function

• High in antioxidant vitamin C

What is EpiCor?

EpiCor is a powder made from dried, fermented brewer's yeast grown under normal conditions, "fed" a proprietary blend of nutrients, and then "stressed" under anaerobic conditions.

How do Maitake mushrooms support immune system health?

Maitake mushroom powder (Grifola frondosa) is made from a mushroom with a long history of use in traditional Asian medicine. The first recorded use of maitake, also known as "sheep's head" or "hen of the woods," was between 200 B.C. and 200 A.D. It was used to improve spleen and stomach challenges, as well as to calm nerves and minds.

MaitakeGold404® is a patented extract from maitake mushrooms that takes advantage of the health-supporting compounds in these mushrooms. This extract contains immune-modulating compounds consisting of glucan-protein complexes.

Why is turkey tail mushroom included in Epimune Complex?

Turkey tail mushroom powder (Corio Ius versicolor) is made from a mushroom that grows widely across North America, Asia, and Europe. The turkey tail, also called "cloud mushroom," has a long history of use in traditional Asian medicine. This mushroom is included in writings that date from the Ming Dynasty in China. The author Li Shi Zhen writes that this mushroom is good for the spirit, vital energy and vigor.

Suggested Use: Two capsules per day, or as directed.


Amount per Serving %DV

Calories 4

Vitamin C 20 mg 30% Calcium 30 mg 2% Zinc 10 mg 60%

Proprietary Blend amount: 706 mg Dried yeast fermentate (EpiCor®), turkey tail mushroom powder, maitake mushroom powder, and maitake mushroom extract (Maitake Gold 404®).

Other Ingredients: Calcium lactate, cellulose, zinc rice chelate, acerola (berry), and manioc (root)。