美国Adrenal Complex纯天然草本植物胶囊 60粒 ¥137

美国Adrenal Complex纯天然草本植物胶囊     60粒    ¥137
Item# Adrenal1

Product Description


Adrenal Complex是一种膳食补充剂,以支持我们的肾上腺和保护我们的身体免受压力的负面影响。虽然压力通常被认为是一种心理状态,其实它也对生理产生影响。我们的肾上腺特别容易受到持续的压力。当我们感到有压力,我们的身体会产生激素去抵抗压力; 但长期的高压力可能使我们的身体无法维持正常的激素水平。这通常会导致焦虑和失眠,让我们在不久的将来更容易感受到额外的压力。周期周而复始一直延续,除非我们采取行动制止它!

Adrenal Complex含有一些维生素,矿物质和草本植物。它的所有成分合在一起工作支持我们的肾上腺,从而提高能量和激素的产生。 B族维生素通常用于对肾上腺功能的支持,它们在能量的使用和生产中发挥作用。例如核黄素(维生素B-2),是能量生产所必须的; 同时,维生素B-12被认为是通过促进自然水平的皮质酮分泌,以达到一个健康的睡眠周期。

Adrenal Complex还有草本,每种不同草本植物起着不同的作用。刺五加根已普遍被用来抗疲劳; 它被看作一种最适应原的草本植物,并可以让高于正常水平的激素回到正常范围。适应原草本植物,让我们的身体能够更好地应付紧张的状况,提高我们的整体健康。Adrenal Complex还含有锌,锌对肾上腺的支持是必不可少的。一项研究表明,缺锌可实际上夸大我们的身体对压力的反应



硫胺素(如盐酸硫胺素)10毫克/ 667%

核黄素为5mg/ 294%












Adrenal Complex Transformation Enzyme Corporation’s Adrenal Complex is a dietary supplement that works to support your adrenal glands and protect your body from the negative effects of stress. Although stress is often thought of as a psychological condition‚ it also has physiological impacts. Your adrenal glands are particularly susceptible to constant stress. When you’re stressed‚ your body produces hormones to fight it; but extended high-stress periods can make your body unable to maintain the right hormone levels. This often results in anxiety and sleeplessness‚ which leave you more susceptible to additional stress in the near future. The cycle tends to continue unless you take action to put a stop to it!

Adrenal Complex contains a number of vitamins‚ minerals‚ and herbs. All of its ingredients work together support your adrenals‚ thereby boosting energy and hormone production. B-vitamins are commonly used for adrenal support‚ due to the role they play in energy use and production. Riboflavin (vitamin B-2)‚ for example‚ is necessary for energy production; meanwhile‚ vitamin B-12 is believed to promote a healthier sleep cycle by promoting natural levels of cortisone secretions.

Herbs are also found in Adrenal Complex‚ and each provides important benefits. Eleuthero root has been commonly used by people suffering from fatigue; it’s known as an adaptogenic herb‚ and can return high hormone levels back within a normal range. Adaptogenic herbs such allow your body to better cope with the factors of stress and improve your overall health. Another nutrient found in Adrenal Complex is zinc‚ which is essential for adrenal support. One study suggests that a zinc deficiency may actually exaggerate your body’s response to stress.


Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 65mg / 108%

Thiamine (as thiamine HCL) 10mg / 667%

Riboflavin 5mg / 294%

Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 4mg / 200%

Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate) 15mg / 150%

Zinc (as zinc citrate) 5mg / 33%

Potassium (as potassium citrate) 5mg / <1%

Adrenal Suprarenal Substance 95mg

Eleuthero Root 30mg

Licorice Root 15mg

Tyzme™ Enzyme Blend 70mg

Protease‚ Glucoamylase‚ Pectinase‚ Peptidase‚ Phytase‚ alpha-Galactosidase‚ Cellulase‚ Hemicellulase).

Suggested Use:

Take one (1) capsule daily with food or as directed by healthcare practitioner