美国Nutri-West纯天然Complete Children's Co-Factors 营养咀嚼片,60片$21.6(¥151.2)

美国Nutri-West纯天然Complete Children's Co-Factors 营养咀嚼片,60片$21.6(¥151.2)
Item# newitem2417915323

Product Description



Complete Children's Co-Factors (Chewable Tablets)

Ensuring the proper intake of omega-3 fatty acids is only one part of the equation. The other part is ensuring the proper absorption. This may be especially true for a child's growing body. That's why Nutri West has formulated Complete Children's Co-Factors‚ a nutritional supplement that may help the effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acids while promoting general health and wellness.

Here are some of the ingredients you'll find in Complete Children's Co-Factors:

Vitamin B12 This essential vitamin is vital for ensuring the health of the brain‚ nerves‚ and blood cells. In fact‚ if blood cell health is compromised‚ a condition known as anemia may occur. Anemia is characterized by the low levels of hemoglobin (red blood cells)‚ which transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

Vitamin C Most famously used as a possible immune system booster‚ especially during cold and flu season‚ vitamin C plays numerous health related roles in the body. Vitamin C may improve iron absorption in addition to potentially supporting cardiovascular health.

CoQ10 This Complete Children's Co-Factors ingredient is also used to possibly promote cardiovascular health. In addition‚ however‚ CoQ10 has been implicated by some in potentially increasing energy.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid Complete Children's Co-Factors features alpha-lipoic acid because it is generally regarded as an antioxidant. An antioxidant is anything that is able to seek out and neutralize free radicals in our body. A free radical is the result of an atom having an unpaired electron‚ which could potentially cause cellular damage.


确保适当摄入ω-3脂肪酸只是均衡营养的一方面。另一方面要确保适当的吸收。这对于发育生长期的儿童来说尤其如此。这就是为什么Nutri West公司专门研配了Complete Children's Co-Factors,一种营养补充剂,可以帮助ω-3脂肪酸有效地促进身体健康。

下面是Complete Children's Co-Factors包含的一些成份:



维生素C 最常见的是用作增强免疫系统,尤其是在感冒和流感季节,维生素C在体内充当许多健康有关的角色。维生素C可提高铁的吸收, 还潜在地支持心血管健康。


这种Complete Children's Co-Factors成份还用于促进心血管健康。此外,辅酶Q10还可以增强能量。


Complete Children's Co-Factors配有α-硫辛酸,因为它通常被认为是一种抗氧化剂。抗氧化剂能够找出并中和我们身体中的自由基。自由基是可能会导致细胞损伤的不成对电子。

Suggested Use: Children ages one to three‚ 1 tablet per day‚ ages three to six‚ 2 tablets per day (one in AM and one in PM)‚ ages six to twelve‚ 1 tablet 3 x day‚ or as directed.


Ingredients: Amount per Serving %DV Each Chewable Tablet Supplies: Vitamin B-1 4mg Vitamin B-2 4 mg Vitamin B-6 4 mg Vitamin B-12 (methylcobalamin) 25 mcg Folic Acid 75 mcg Vitamin C 25 mg Magnesium (as chelate) 3 mg Reduced L-Glutathione 5 mg Co-Enzyme Q-10 250 mcg Alpha Lipoic Acid (50% R form and 50% S form) 250 mcg In a base of organic honey‚ agave nectar‚ xylitol‚ and natural orange flavor.

主要成份: 每片: 维生素B-14毫克 维生素B-2 4毫克 维生素B-6 4毫克 维生素B-12(弥可保)25微克 叶酸75微克 维生素C25毫克 镁(如螯合物)3毫克 L-5谷胱甘肽 5毫克 辅酶Q-10 250微克 硫辛酸(50%R形式和50%S型)250微克 在有机蜂蜜基地,龙舌兰花蜜,木糖醇和天然香橙味