美国Nutri-West纯天然Methyl B-12营养补充含片,90片$29.6(¥207.2)

美国Nutri-West纯天然Methyl B-12营养补充含片,90片$29.6(¥207.2)
Item# newitem417910351

Product Description

产地:美国 规格:90片/瓶

Methyl B-12 Lozenges

These vitamin B12 lozenges are a great and efficient way of getting a dose of this essential vitamin. The benefit of Methyl B12 Lozenges are the fact that the nutrient is able to be directly absorbed into the blood stream through the capillaries in your mouth. Normally‚ with other forms that aren't B12 lozenges‚ when the nutrient is ingested it has to pass through the gastrointestinal tract and make its way through other additional steps. This may effect the absorption and bioavailability of B12 in your system. That's not the case with Methyl B12 Lozenges.

In terms of health benefits‚ vitamin B12 is necessary for maintaining healthy levels of hemoglobin‚ red blood cells. Hemoglobin is essential for transporting oxygen from the lungs to where ever it is needed in the body. If low levels of hemoglobin are present in the blood‚ then the individual can potentially be at risk for anemia. Vitamin B12 lozenges could also help support brain and nerve health.

In order to help support this supplement in promoting healthy hemoglobin levels‚ vitamin B12 lozenges are formulated with folate (also known as vitamin B9). Folate also has other health benefits such as helping in the production of certain genetic material.

Also featured in Methyl B12 Lozenges is pyridoxine (also known as vitamin B6). This essential vitamin supports the metabolization of certain amino acids as well as the utilization of some fats and sugars.

These B12 lozenges feature a natural orange flavoring for taste. As with all nutritional and dietary supplements‚ always consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning and type of medicinal regiment.







Why Methyl B-12? The most widely used and inexpensive form of a vitamin B-12 supplement is called cyanocobalamin. Cyanocobalamin is converted to the active methylcobalamin in the body. The biologically active methylcobalamin form of vitamin B-12 needs no conversion. Many people have a poor ability to convert cyanocobalamin to the active methyl form, and indeed, some even have a genetic inability to make the conversion. Taking methylcobalamin is a quick and efficient way to supplement vitamin B-12 for many purposes.


Why a Lozenge? Additionally, taking B-12 in the form of a sublingual lozenge bypasses the gastrointestinal tract and absorbs directly into the bloodstream. This is more efficacious because of the direct infusion into the bloodstream, and also because it eliminates a required step when travelling through the GI tract – that step is forming a complex with something called “intrinsic factor” (manufactured in the stomach) that allows the B-12 to be absorbed in the small intestine. Vitamin B-12 is not easily absorbed in people with gastrointestinal problems. This is because they can’t form the complex with intrinsic factor as the requirement to be absorbed in the small intestine.

为什么用含片的形式?此外,服用B-12含片的形式绕过胃肠道而直接被血液吸收。因为直接输注到血液中,这更有效,并且还因为它通过肠道减掉了一个必需的步骤 - 该步骤是与所谓的“固有因子” (在胃中制造)形成复合体,允许B-12被小肠 吸收。维生素B-12不容易被胃肠道有问题的人吸收。因为它们不能按需求与内因子形成复合体而被小肠吸收。

Why are many people low in B-12? B-12 needs an acidic environment (Hcl) to be extracted from food and absorbed. When acid is suppressed, or lacking (we make less Hcl as we age), vitamin B-12 absorption can be insufficient. Moreover, Hcl is made from the same parietal stomach cells that make intrinsic factor. Popular acid-suppressing drugs such as H2 receptor antagonists (i.e. Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid AC, etc. and proton pump inhibitors (i.e. the purple pill) target these parietal cells. It is not surprising that there is evidence of B-12 deficiency in people taking these drugs long term Susan Solomon (MD) notes that patients who are on chronic acid suppressants (for example, Prilosec) owing to ulcers cannot synthesize intrinsic factor.

为什么很多人B-12水平低? B-12需要酸性环境(HCL),以从食品中提取和吸收。当酸被抑制,或缺乏(因为年龄我们身体制造盐酸少),维生素B-12吸收可能不足。此外,盐酸是从制造固有因子的同一壁胃细胞制造的。广泛的抑酸药,如H2受体拮抗剂(即泰胃美,雷尼替丁,甲磺噻脒等,以及质子泵抑制剂(即紫色丸)都以这些壁细胞为目标,这就不奇怪有人长期服用苏珊所罗门(MD)药物后B-12缺少,那些病人由于溃疡而使用慢性酸抑制剂(例如奥美拉唑)不能合成固有因子。

The Multi-faceted jobs for Methyl B-12 As the active form of vitamin B-12, methyl B-12 plays an integral role in the complex process of methylation. Methylation is responsible for maintaining and accelerating many biochemical reactions. Methyl B-12 facilitates the homocysteine pathway, with the end result being lower toxic homocysteine levels, increased detoxification enzymes, and increased substrates for joint health. The power of B-12 to methylate is seen in many areas, including DNA synthesis and immune activity Methylation promotes healthy cells, regulates the expression of genes (including cancer suppressor genes), and helps with the synthesis of various hormones and neurotransmitters, including serotonin, melatonin, dopamine and adrenaline. Since DNA methylation can modulate gene function, and a depletion of B-12 is associated with under-methylation of DNA in the brain, it is believed that this state of “hypomethylation” may contribute to central nervous system pathologies that are frequently seen in vitamin B12 deficiency. Many other enzymatic reactions in the body are also dependent on B-12 for activation. Important reactions that are dependent on B-12, aside from nervous system function, include those associated with healthy red blood cells, energy level, and metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

甲基B-12的多重作用 作为维生素B-12的活性形式,甲基B-12在甲基化复合过程中起着主要作用。甲基化负责维护和促进许多生化反应。甲基B-12促进巯基丁氨酸传送,最后的结果是降低有毒的巯基丁氨酸水平,增加解毒酶,以用于增加基材关节健康。B-12对甲醇的威力在许多方面可见,包括DNA的合成和免疫活性的甲基化促进健康细胞,调节基因表达(包括癌症抑制基因),并有助于各种激素与神经递质,包括血清素,褪黑激素,多巴胺和肾上腺素的合成。由于DNA甲基化可调节基因的功能,B-12的消耗与低于大脑中的DNA甲基化相关联,可以确信“低甲基化”可能是由于中枢神经系统病变,频见于维生素B12缺乏的原因。身体的许多其他酶反应也依赖于B-12的催化作用。除了神经系统功能,重要的反应都依赖于B-12,包括那些与健康的红血细胞,能量水平和代谢有关的碳水化合物,脂肪和蛋白质。

B-12, the Brain and the Nervous System: Vitamin B-12 has a fundamental role in central nervous system (CNS) function at all ages, especially the “conversion of homocysteine to methionine, which is essential for nucleotide synthesis and genomic and non-genomic methylation” The same review article notes that B12 may have a role “in the prevention of disorders of CNS development, mood disorders, and dementias, including Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia in elderly people.” If you look at the methylation/homocysteine diagram, it is evident that B-12 is necessary for the constant metabolism of this pathway. This particular research article is highlighting the importance of the methylation aspect (dependent on B-12) for contributing to nervous system health. Low serum B-12 status (not just deficient status) is associated with worse sensory and motor peripheral nerve function. Nerve function impairments may lead to physical function declines and disability in older adults, “suggesting that prevention and treatment of low B12 levels may be important to evaluate” The following abstract emphasizes that B-12 deficiency is not only associated with CNS problems, it is easily prevented and should be recognized early rather than later: “Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common cause of neuropsychiatric symptoms in elderly persons. Malabsorption accounts for the majority of cases. Vitamin B12 deficiency has been associated with neurologic, cognitive, psychotic, and mood symptoms, as well as treatment-resistance. Clinician awareness should be raised to accurately diagnose and treat early deficiencies to prevent irreversible structural brain damage, because current practice can be ineffective at identifying cases leading to neuropsychiatric sequelae. This clinical review focuses on important aspects of the recognition and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency and neuropsychiatric manifestations of this preventable illness in elderly patients”


B-12 and Aging: A study trying to measure the influence of “nutrient biomarkers” and indices of brain aging was conducted in 104 elderly adults. B-12 was one of the biomarkers (the other B’s, C, D, E and omega 3’s were also indicated) that accounted for a significant degree of variance in both cognitive function and brain volume.

B-12和老化:人们试图对104岁的老人作衡量“营养生物标志物”和大脑老化指数的影响的研究。 B-12被认为是在认知功能和脑体积两者中有显著差别的一种生物标志物(其他B的,C,D,E和ω-3也是)。

B-12 and Red Blood Cells (RBCs): B-12 is essential for the DNA synthesis of new red blood cells. Low levels of B-12 can cause what’s called macrocytic anemia. Anemia is a condition that develops when there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body's tissue. There are many types of anemia. Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune condition resulting in a lack of intrinsic factor. Without enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body, weakness and fatigue can result. Severe or long-lasting pernicious anemia can damage the heart, brain, and other organs in the body.

B-12和红血细胞(红细胞):B-12是新的红血细胞DNA合成所必需的。 B-12的水平低会造成大细胞性贫血。贫血是因为没有足够健康的红血细胞携带氧气到身体的组织而发生的。有许多类型的贫血。恶性贫血是内因子缺乏导致自身免疫问题。如果没有足够的红细胞携带氧气到身体,便会四肢无力,导致疲劳。严重或长期恶性贫血可损害心脏,脑,和身体的其他器官。

B-12 and Pregnancy: There are high methylation demands in pregnancy, and these processes are critical for cellular and organ function and growth. B-12 exerts a lot of its influence through the methionine pathway, and “The critical relationship between perturbations in the mother's methionine metabolism and its impact on fetal growth and development is now becoming evident” Children born to mothers with a lower vitamin B12 status have a reduced cardiac sympathetic activity.

B-12和怀孕:怀孕要求高甲基化,而这过程是细胞和器官的功能与发展的关键。 B-12通过蛋氨酸通道发挥了很多的影响,“ 现在越来越明显地显示,母亲的蛋氨酸代谢及其对胎儿生长发育的扰动关系重大”母亲所生维生素B12低的儿童有减少心脏交感神经活动。

B-12 and the Immune system: In order to examine the action of vit.B12 on cells of the human immune system, lymphocyte subpopulations and NK cell activity were evaluated in 11 patients with B-12 deficiency anemia and in 13 control subjects. The results of the study indicated that B-12 “might play an important role in cellular immunity, especially relating to CD8+ cells and the NK cell system... We conclude that B-12 acts as an immunomodulator for cellular immunity”. Aberrations in DNA methylation (dependent on B-12) “have been related to risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease”

B-12和免疫系统:为了检测vit.B12对人体免疫系统的细胞的作用,对11名B-12缺乏贫血患者和13名在淋巴细胞亚群和NK细胞活性的进行了评价对照。该研究的结果表明,B-12“可能在细胞免疫中起重要作用,特别是与CD8 +细胞和NK细胞系统有关......我们的结论是B-12充当用于细胞免疫的免疫调节剂”。畸变的DNA甲基化(取决于B-12)“已涉及到癌症和心血管疾病的危险”

B-12 and the Gut: When rats were put on a diet restricting B-12, folate and choline, the methyl-deficient diet had profound effects on the gut, greatly impeding small intestinal cell differentiation, and disrupting the gut barrier Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease and gastric surgery (which all interfere with B-12 metabolism) can quickly give rise to vitamin B-12 deficiency. Understandably, celiac disease and IBD increase the probability of developing peripheral neuropathy.

B-12和肠道:当大鼠放在一个饮食限制B-12,叶酸和胆碱,甲基缺乏饮食对肠道产生深远的影响,极大地阻碍小肠细胞分化和破坏肠道屏障炎症性肠病(IBD),乳糜泻及胃手术(干扰所有B-12代谢),可以迅速产生维生素B-12缺乏症。可以理解,腹腔疾病和IBD增加周围神经病变的概率。 Suggested Use: 1 lozenge tablet daily or as directed Vitamin B-12 is non-toxic. Being water-soluble‚ excesses are excreted in the urine.

服用方法:每天一片,或遵医嘱 维生素B-12无毒。因为是水溶性的,过剩的将随尿液排出。

Ingredients: Amount per Serving %DV Serving Size: 1 Lozenge Tablet

Vitamin B-12 (as methylcobalamin) 1000mcg / 16‚670% Folate (as folic acid) 400mcg / 100% Proprietary Blend 1mg* of: Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate.

Other Ingredients: Malto Dextrin‚ Fructose‚ Vegetable Stearine‚ Xylitol‚ Natural Orange Flavor

主要成份: 每份含量%DV 份量:1含片 维生素B-12(如弥可保)1000mcg/16670% 叶酸(叶酸)400mcg/ 100% 吡哆醛-5-磷酸:的专有配方为1mg*。
