美国 Alka Slim 纯天然pH平衡塑身膳食补充浓缩粉剂 25.6盎司 ¥378

美国 Alka Slim 纯天然pH平衡塑身膳食补充浓缩粉剂 25.6盎司 ¥378
Item# Alka-Slim

Product Description




• 保持体重

• 改善疲劳状态

• 平衡pH值


大麦芽,豌豆蛋白,大米蛋白,洋车前子壳,瓜尔胶,香草味,大麦草,菠萝味,卵磷脂,菠萝蛋白酶,苜蓿汁粉,苹果果胶,柑橘,双黄酮,螺旋藻,人参,欧芹,β谷甾醇,福蒂,菠菜,蛋氨酸,五味子,蜂花粉,酒石酸胆碱,PABA,RNA/ DNA复合物,二十八烷醇,γ-谷维素,肌醇,芹菜,罗汉果,甜菊里巴


对于普通的减肥,每天用Alka Slim替代两餐,第三餐进食低脂肪食物,或遵医嘱。保持体重时,一天只用Alka Slim替代一餐。每次用两勺大约8 - 10盎司的产品与不加糖的新鲜或瓶装果汁混合搅拌均匀。首先用一半与果汁搅拌,再加入剩下的搅拌均匀。混合新鲜水果和冰块搅拌均匀便是美味的水果奶昔。建议用苹果汁,菠萝,橙,浆果(各种混合)。两餐之间感觉饥饿时,可以吃一点零食,如水果或蔬菜。还要记住锻炼身体,每天喝大量的水。避免咖啡因和酒精。





A revolution in dietary supplementation, Alka·Slim® is the only health-enhancing product specifically designed to alkalize and energize while supporting weight control, all at the same time! Mix with fruit juice.

Recommended For:

• Overweight

• Fatigue

• Balancing pH


Barley Malt, Pea Protein, Rice Protein, Psyllium Husk, Guar Gum, Vanilla Flavor, Barley Grass, Pineapple Flavor, Lecithin, Bromelain, Alfalfa Juice Powder, Apple Pectin, Citrus Bioflavanoids, Spirulina, Ginseng, Parsley, Beta Sitosterol, Foti, Spinach, Methionine, Schizandra, Bee Pollen, Choline Bitartrate, PABA, RNA/DNA complex, Octacosanol, Gamma Oryzanol, Inositol, Celery, Lou Han Gou, Stevia Reba

Suggested Use:

For normal weight loss, substitute two meals a day with Alka Slim and eat a sensible low-fat third meal, or as directed by your health care practitioner. When maintaining your weight, substitute only one meal a day. Use two level scoops (scoop enclosed) of Alka-Slim powder with approximately 8 - 10 oz. of unsweetened fresh or bottle fruit juice for each drink (Dilute with water to desired taste). Vigorously stir in half of the juice, then add the rest and stir again. For delicious fruit shakes, blend with fresh fruit and ice cubes. Juices recommended for use with Alka Slim are apple cider or juice, pineapple, orange, berry (all kinds). When you get hungry between meals, go ahead and enjoy a snack such as fruit or vegetables. Remember also to exercise and drink plenty of water daily. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Consult your health care professional before starting any weight loss program.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.