美国Nutri-West纯天然Complete_Gluco-D营养补充剂 90 片 $42.2(¥295.4)

美国Nutri-West纯天然Complete_Gluco-D营养补充剂  90 片 $42.2(¥295.4)
Item# newitem418493541

Product Description




Use as part of the diet to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, normal nerve growth and maintenance.

产品介绍: 用作饮食的一部分,以帮助维持健康的血糖水平,正常的神经生长和保持。

Contraindications :

Contraindicated in hypoglycemia; check with a doctor before using with diabetic drugs (the drugs lower blood sugar). Not recommended in pregnancy, lactation or hypoglycemia

禁忌: 低血糖者禁用; 在与糖尿病药物(降血糖药物)一起使用前请咨询医生。 怀孕,哺乳或低血糖忌用。

Suggested Use: 1 tablet daily or as directed



Each Tablet Contains: Thiamine (as hydrochloride) 15 mg, Niacin (as niacinamide) 30 mg, Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 15 mg, Folate (as folic acid) 100 mcg, Vitamin B-12 (as methylcobalamin) 100 mcg, Biotin 30 mcg, Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate) 30 mg, Zinc (as chelate) 1.5 mg, Selenium (as chelate) 20 mcg, Manganese (as chelate) 0.500 mg, Chromium (as chelate) 50 mcg. Proprietary blend 305.05 mg* of: Gymnema (leaf), Benfotiamine (lipid soluble derivative of Vitamin B-1), Eleuthero (root), L-Glutamine, L-Taurine, Bitter Melon (fruit), Inositol, Asian Ginseng (root), Fenugreek (seed), Acetyl L-Carnitine, Amylase (vegetable), Lipase (vegetable), Protease (vegetable), Quercetin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Co-Enzyme Q-10, Vanadium (as vanadyl sulfate).


每个平板电脑包含: 硫胺素(盐酸盐)15mg, 烟酸(作为烟酰胺)30mg, 维生素B-6(作为盐酸吡哆醇)15mg, 叶酸(作为叶酸)100mcg, 维生素B-12(作为甲基钴胺素)100mcg, 生物素30 mcg, 泛酸(泛酸钙)30mg, 锌(螯合物)1.5mg, 硒(作为螯合物)20mcg, 锰(螯合物)0.500mg, 铬(作为螯合物)50mcg。 专有混合物305.05 mg *:维生素B-1的维生素B-1的脂溶性衍生物,维生素B-1的脂溶性衍生物,L-谷氨酰胺,L-牛磺酸,苦瓜(水果),肌醇,亚洲人参(根) ,葫芦巴(种子),乙酰L-肉碱,淀粉酶(植物),脂肪酶(植物),蛋白酶(植物),槲皮素,α-硫辛酸,Co-Q-10,钒(作为硫酸氧钒)。