美国Zypan纯天然肠胃养护营养浓缩精华 90片 ¥315

美国Zypan纯天然肠胃养护营养浓缩精华   90片   ¥315
Item# newitem377118388

Product Description



产品介绍 Zypan包含胰酶,胃蛋白酶,和盐酸甜菜碱,以促进健康的消化。 •支持胃肠道的pH值 •支持胃肠道的环境 •提供促进蛋白质消化酶 •硬脂酸涂覆胰酶,帮助它在消化道中的正确位置被消化

服用方法:每餐两片,或遵医嘱。 特别提示:不建议嚼本产品。

主要成份: 每份含量%DV 4卡路里 胆固醇5毫克,每日2%

专有掺合物:700毫克盐酸甜菜碱,牛胰脏细胞溶质™提取物,胰酶(3倍),硬脂酸(植物来源),胃蛋白酶(1:10,000),氯化铵,牛脾,和羊脾。 其他成分:纤维素,乳糖(牛奶),和硬脂酸钙。

Zypan combines pancreatin, pepsin, and betaine hydrochloride to facilitate healthy digestion.

• Supports gastrointestinal pH

• Supports the environment of the gastrointestinal tract

• Provides enzymatic support for protein digestion

• Stearic acid included to coat the pancreatin, helping it to be digested in the correct area of the digestive tract

Suggested Use: Two tablets with each meal, or as directed.

Special Information: Chewing this product is not recommended.


Amount per Serving %DV Calories 4 Cholesterol 5 mg 2%

Proprietary Blend: 700 mg Betaine hydrochloride, bovine pancreas Cytosol™ extract, pancreatin (3x), stearic acid (vegetable source), pepsin (1:10,000), ammonium chloride, bovine spleen, and ovine spleen.

Other Ingredients: Cellulose, lactose (milk), and calcium stearate.