美国ProSynbiotic纯天然肠胃养护营养胶囊 90粒 ¥539

美国ProSynbiotic纯天然肠胃养护营养胶囊  90粒   ¥539
Item# ProSynbiotic90

Product Description










ProSynbiotic菌株与益生元纤维的协同作用有临床记录。 嗜酸乳杆菌(包括LA-5®)- LA-5菌株已被证实具有干扰其他类型的细菌之间的交流的能力,从而促进微生物的健康平衡。LA-5株也存在于几个其他乳杆菌之间,对于偶发性便秘受试者以及那些乳糖耐受挑战者都有显著成效。

paracaseissp乳杆菌,副干酪乳杆菌(L.casei431®) - 支持天然肠道环境,这株产酸的乳酸菌细菌附着在肠道和容忍的胆汁中。在人类和小鼠的实验中研究表明它有支持肠道挑战的能力,以及帮助维持人体的自然免疫系统反应的功能。





服用方法:每天三粒,或遵医嘱。 特别提示:储存于阴凉,干燥的地方。不同的研究显示,菌株似乎饭后服用效果最好

主要成份: 每份含量%DV 8卡路里 总碳水化合物1.8克<1%

专利配方:1,700毫克菊粉,低聚半乳糖(GOS)(牛奶),并混合益生菌(S.酵母菌,嗜酸乳杆菌,LA-5®,副干酪乳杆菌,L.casei431®,和双歧杆菌BB-12®) (四十亿CFU)。 其它成分:麦芽糊精,明胶,水,硬脂酸钙,和山梨糖醇单硬脂酸酯。


ProSynbiotic is a synergistic blend of four research-supported probiotic strains and two prebiotic fibers to support gut flora and overall intestinal health

• Contains research-supported strains of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii

• Contains inulin, a nondigestible soluble fiber from chicory root, and galactooligosaccharide (GOS), a nondigestible carbohydrate, both of which are used by probiotic bacteria as food

• Useful in maintaining a healthy gut microbial environment

• Helps support the body's natural absorption of calcium and magnesium

• Improves nutrient digestion and absorption

• Supports normal bowel regularity and consistency

• Supports the body's natural immune system function

ProSynbiotic contains clinically documented strains that work synergistically with prebiotic fibers.

Lactobacillus acidophilus (including LA-5®)—The LA-5 strain has been evaluated for its ability to interfere with the communication between other types of bacteria, thus promoting a healthy balance of microbes. The LA-5 strain was also among several other lactobacilli that improved outcomes in subjects with occasional constipation, as well as those with lactose tolerance challenges.

Lactobacillus paracaseissp. paracasei (L.casei 431®)—To support the natural gut environment, this strain of lactic acid¬producing bacteria adheres to the intestinal tract and tolerates bile. This strain has been studied in humans and mice for its ability to support the gut during challenges and for its ability to help maintain the body's natural immune system response.

Bifidobacterium lactis (BB-12®)—Bifidobacteria are very tolerant of both acidic conditions and environments that contain bile. Bifidobacteria use a range of carbohydrates for energy (including GOS). Bifidobacteria are an important factor in all native microflora and their numbers vary depending on lifestyle, diet, exercise and age. Oral bifidobacteria have been shown to temporarily colonize the gut, competing with other bacteria to effectively support the natural bacterial balance.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii—Historically, this microbe was used to support normal stool consistency. In the gut, this yeast supports the growth of some bacteria and inhibits others through competition and environmental modification of the gut.

Inulin—Inulin is a complex carbohydrate that can be digested by certain microorganisms, providing them with energy. Inulin supports the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

Galactooligosaccharide (GOS)—Research suggests that GOS is a preferred substrate for BB-12. In mice, GOS supplementation supported the active proteins and cells in the gut mucosa, and increased the amount of short-chain fatty acid and lactate in the gut.

Suggested Use: Three capsules per day, or as directed.

Special Information: Store in a cool, dry place. Although research varies, our strains seem to work best when taken after a meal.


Amount per Serving %DV

Calories 8

Total Carbohydrate 1.8 g <1%

Proprietary Blend: 1,700 mg Inulin, galactooligosaccharide (GOS) (milk), and probiotic blend (S. boulardii, L. acidophilus, LA-5®, L. paracasei, L.casei 431®, and Bifidobacterium, BB-12®) (4 billion cfu).

Other Ingredients: Maltodextrin, gelatin, water, calcium stearate, and sorbitan monostearate.