美国Nutri-West纯天然Super-Ox营养补充剂 60片 $32.4(¥226.8)

美国Nutri-West纯天然Super-Ox营养补充剂  60片 $32.4(¥226.8)
Item# newitem418501023

Product Description




Proanthocyanidins have become a buzz word because of their strong reputation for being the most potent of the recently discovered highly-active phytochemicals available in plants. These powerful plant constituents are presented in a nutrient-rich formula with other free-radical fighting substance, contributing to maximal antioxidant defense.


原花青素已经成为一个时髦词,因为它们享有在最近发现的植物中最有效的高活性植物化学物质的声誉。 这些强大的植物成分呈现在营养丰富的配方中与其他自由基战斗物质,有助于抗氧化防御最大化。

Contraindications :

High dosages of vitamin C (>1000 mg.) should not be taken by gout patients or by kidney stone formers. Vitamin C is contraindicated in iron overload disease. Vitamin E does not involve contraindications at amounts up to 40 times the RDA (400 IU/day). Since vitamin E is an anticoagulant, amounts of vitamin E (400 IU or greater) can potentiate blood-thinning drugs such as coumadin and should not be used concurrently. Large doses of vitamin E are contraindicated in hypertension.

禁忌: 高剂量的维生素C(> 1000毫克)。痛风患者或肾结石患者禁用。在铁超负荷疾病中维生素C是禁忌的。 维生素E是脂溶性的,但不超过RDA(40 IU /天)的40倍。 由于维生素E是抗凝血剂,维生素E(400 IU或更高)的量可以增强血液稀释药物如香豆素,不应同时使用。 垂体腺癌在癌症中是禁忌的。

Suggested Use:

1 tablet daily or as directed.



Each Tablet Contains:

Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 100 mg, Vitamin E (as succinate) 31 mg, Zinc (as chelate) 2 mg, Selenium (as chelate) 50 mcg, Manganese (as chelate) 0.100 mg, Chromium (as chelate) 50 mcg. Proprietary blend 182 mg* of: Milk Thistle (seed), Grape Seed Extract, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Milk Thistle (extract)(seed), L-Glutathione.




专有混合物182mg *:乳蓟(种子),葡萄籽提取物,N-乙酰半胱氨酸,乳蓟(提取物)(种子),L-谷胱甘肽。