美国Nutri-West纯天然Core_Level_Kidney营养补充剂 60片 $38.4(¥268.8)

美国Nutri-West纯天然Core_Level_Kidney营养补充剂  60片 $38.4(¥268.8)
Item# newitem418493923

Product Description




Synergistic nutritional support for the kidneys.



Contraindications :

High dosages of vitamin C (>1000 mg.) should not be taken by gout patients or by kidney stone formers. Vitamin C is contraindicated in iron overload disease. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, but does not involve contraindications at amounts up to 40 times the RDA (400 IU/day). Since vitamin E is an anticoagulant, amounts of vitamin E (400 IU or greater) can potentiate blood-thinning drugs such as coumadin and should not be used concurrently. Pituitary glandular is contraindicated in cancer.

禁忌: 高剂量的维生素C(> 1000毫克)。痛风患者或肾结石患者禁用。在铁超负荷疾病中维生素C是禁忌的。 维生素E是脂溶性的,但不超过RDA(40 IU /天)的40倍。 由于维生素E是抗凝血剂,维生素E(400 IU或更高)的量可以增强血液稀释药物如香豆素,不应同时使用。 垂体腺癌在癌症中是禁忌的.uggested Use: 1

Suggested Use:

1 tablet daily or as directed



Each Tablet Contains:

Vitamin A (as palmitate) 1500 IU, Vitamin C (as sago palm) 300 mg, Vitamin E (as succinate) 150 IU, Folate (as folic acid) 70 mcg, Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate) 30 mg, Magnesium (as chelate) 15 mg, Zinc (as chelate) 1 mg, Copper (as chelate) 0.100 mg, Manganese (as chelate) 3 mg. Proprietary blend 534.50 mg* of: Kidney (bovine), Liver (bovine), Aorta (bovine), Pancreatin (porcine), L-Leucine, Ox Bile, DL-Methionine, Uva Ursi (leaf), Red Clover (flower), Whole Pituitary (bovine), Pancreas (bovine), Black Currant Seed Oil, Parathyroid (bovine).


每片包含: 维生素A(作为棕榈酸酯)1500IU,维生素C(如西米棕榈)300mg,维生素E(琥珀酸)150IU,叶酸(叶酸)70mcg,泛酸(泛酸钙)30mg,镁 螯合物)15mg,锌(作为螯合物)1mg,铜(作为螯合物)0.100mg,锰(作为螯合物)3mg。 专有混合物534.50mg *:肾(牛),肝(牛),主动脉(牛),胰酶(猪),L-亮氨酸,牛胆,DL-甲硫氨酸,Uva Ursi(叶),红三叶草 全垂体(牛),胰腺(牛),黑醋栗籽油,甲状旁腺(牛)