美国Nutri-West纯天然Hemo-Lyph营养补充剂 60片 $22.4(¥156.8)

美国Nutri-West纯天然Hemo-Lyph营养补充剂  60片 $22.4(¥156.8)
Item# newitem418495097

Product Description




Iron with Synergistic Factors

Iron combines with protein and copper to make hemoglobin, the protein in the blood that is responsible for its oxygen carrying capacity. Iron is also necessary for the formation of myoglobin, which is the protein found in muscle tissue that is responsible for its red color, and its ability to store oxygen. Iron is a necessary co-factor in many reactions, including collagen synthesis. Supplementation may be useful to ensure an adequate supply of this important nutrient.



铁与蛋白质和铜结合,生成血红蛋白,血液中的蛋白质负责氧的承载能力。 铁也是形成肌红蛋白所必需的,肌红蛋白是肌肉组织中发现的蛋白质,其负责红色和能够存储氧气。 铁是许多反应中必需的辅助因子,包括胶原合成。 补充剂可以有助于确保足够的这种重要营养供应。

Contraindications :

High dosages of vitamin C (<1000mg) should not be taken in gout patients, or kidney stone formers. Iron or vitamin C in any amount should not be taken by anyone with iron overload disease. The upper limit for iron is 40mg for children and 45mg for adults. 200mg can be fatal to children.

Warning: Accidental overdose of Iron containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6. Keep this product out of the reach of children. In case of accidental overdose call a doctor or poison control center immediately.

禁忌: 痛风患者或肾结石患者不应服用高剂量的维生素C(<1000mg)。 任何铁含量过高的人都不应该服用铁或维生素C。儿童 铁的上限为40mg,成人为 45mg。 服用200mg可能对儿童致命。

警告:含铁产品意外过量是6岁以下儿童致命中毒的主要原因。将本产品放在儿童接触不到的地方。 如果意外过量请立即呼叫医生或毒物控制中心。

Suggested Use: 1 tablet daily or as directed



Each Tablet Contains:

Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 300 mg, Iron (as peptonate) 20 mg, Thiamine (as hydrochloride) 10 mg, Riboflavin 10 mg, Niacin (as niacinamide) 10 mg, Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 10 mg, Folate (as folic acid) 400 mcg, Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin) 300 mcg, Biotin 10 mcg, Manganese (as chelate) 5 mg. Proprietary blend 226 mg* of: Liver (bovine), Spleen (bovine), Duodenum (porcine), Stomach (porcine), Parotid (bovine).



维生素C(作为抗坏血酸)300mg,铁(作为胨)20mg,硫胺素(盐酸盐)10mg,核黄素10mg,烟酸(作为烟酰胺)10mg,维生素B-6(作为盐酸吡哆醇)10mg, 叶酸(作为叶酸)400mcg,维生素B-12(作为氰钴胺素)300mcg,生物素10mcg,锰(作为螯合物)5mg。 专有混合物226mg *:肝(牛),脾(牛),十二指肠(猪),胃(猪),腮腺(牛)。