美国Nutri-West纯天然Core-Level-Bone-Matrix营养补充剂 60片 $29.6(¥207.2)

美国Nutri-West纯天然Core-Level-Bone-Matrix营养补充剂  60片 $29.6(¥207.2)
Item# newitem418494210

Product Description




Nutritional support of bone health. Contains essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients involved in bone metabolism.


营养支持骨骼健康。 含有参与骨代谢的必需维生素,矿物质和其他营养物质。

Contraindications :

High dosages of vitamin C (>1000 mg.) should not be taken by gout patients or by kidney stone formers. Vitamin C is contraindicated in iron overload disease. Vitamin D is fat-soluble but not toxic in amounts less than 2400 IU/day. Female/male glandulars are contraindicated in cancers of the reproductive organs. Hyperparathyroidism or sarcoidosis patients should avoid vitamin D supplementation.

禁忌: 痛风患者或肾结石不应该服用高剂量的维生素C(> 1000毫克)。 在铁超负荷疾病中维生素C是禁忌的。 维生素D是脂溶性的,低于2400IU /天无毒性。 女性/男性腺体在生殖器官的癌症中是禁忌的。 甲状旁腺功能亢进或结节病患者应避免补充维生素D。

Suggested Use:

2 tablets daily or as directed



Each Two Tablets Contain:

Vitamin A (as palmitate) 1500 IU, Vitamin C (as sago palm), 1200 mg, Calcium (as aspartate, gluconate, chelate) 35.5 mg, Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 400 IU, Riboflavin 6 mg, Niacin 15 mg, Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 10 mg, Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate) 25 mg, Zinc (as sulfate) 3.6 mg, Manganese (as chelate) 0.500 mg, Molybdenum (as chelate) 2 mcg. Proprietary blend 807 mg* of: Bone Meal, Adrenal (bovine), Kidney (bovine), Rutin, Betaine (as hydrochloride), L-Cystine, Liver (bovine), Devils Claw (root), DL-Methionine, Stomach (porcine), Ovary (bovine), Orchic (bovine), Parathyroid (bovine).



维生素A(棕榈酸酯)1500 IU,维生素C(西米棕榈),1200mg,钙(天冬氨酸,葡萄糖酸盐,螯合物)35.5mg,维生素D3(胆钙化甾醇)400IU,核黄素6mg, 烟酸15mg,维生素B-6(作为盐酸吡哆醇)10mg,泛酸(泛酸钙)25mg,锌(作为硫酸盐)3.6mg,锰(螯合物)0.500mg,钼(螯合物)2mcg。 专有混合物807mg *:骨粉,肾上腺(牛),肾(牛),芦丁,甜菜碱(盐酸盐),L-胱氨酸,肝(牛),恶魔爪(根),DL-甲硫氨酸,胃 ),卵巢(牛),Orchic(牛),Parathyroid(牛)。