美国Probiotic纯天然草本植物肠胃养护营养胶囊 60粒 ¥224

美国Probiotic纯天然草本植物肠胃养护营养胶囊    60粒    ¥224
Item# Probiotic60

Product Description


Transformation Enzyme Corporation公司的Probiotic补充剂通过提高体内肠道平衡促进健康的消化系统。



• 消化不良

• 胃疼

• 便秘

• 腹泻

• 肠炎综合征



• 植物乳酸杆菌,研究表明可以减轻某些消化问题,如腹泻和肠道易激综合征(IBS)的症状。它也可以减轻腹胀,促进整体消化系统的健康。

• 乳芽孢帮助有益菌群在胃肠道的生长,尤其抗高温及低pH值(较酸的状态)。

• 唾液乳(酸)杆菌是另一种益生菌,能有效地促进健康的细菌水平。

• 嗜酸乳杆菌是最常见的益生菌之一,并有多种功能,包括其最著名的:在消化过程中分解我们所吃进的食物的能力。与此同时,它有助于产生乳酸能抵抗胃肠道中的“坏”细菌的存在。

• 长双歧杆菌是大量存在于人体的细菌的菌株。其主要目的是将糖转化成乳酸,虽然也有迹象表明,它可以提供额外的免疫系统的支持,减少便秘,并减少导致炎性肠病的炎症。它也被用来帮助防止旅行时的腹泻。

与我们的身体需要的益生菌一起,益生菌还包括菊芋和乳铁蛋白。菊芋是益生元,其作为食品和营养的益生菌,并且允许后者起到最好的效果。乳铁传递蛋白是一种蛋白类型,被认为可以减轻肠胃的问题,如腹泻等; 它也用来支持免疫系统,因为其抗氧化性能很好。
















Transformation Enzyme Corporation’s Probiotic supplement promotes a healthy digestive system by improving intestinal balance in the body.

Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is made up of a specific balance of both “good” and “bad” bacteria. This specific balance is vital to your GI tract’s optimal functioning‚ but it’s easy to disrupt: unhealthy processed diets‚ use of antibiotics‚ and stress are among the most prominent causes. Unfortunately‚ you can’t avoid those things entirely‚ so a supplement with probiotics that adds more healthy bacteria is recommended by many.

An unbalanced digestive tract can lead to many uncomfortable symptoms‚ including:

• Indigestion

• Stomach pain

• Constipation

• Diarrhea

• Inflammatory bowel syndrome

This probiotic consists of six probiotic sources that have been chosen for their efficacy and safety. The increase in flora provided by Probiotics benefits your GI tract in several ways. Not only does it aid in the relief of aforementioned symptoms‚ but it may also decrease the symptoms related to lactose intolerance. Finally‚ this product promotes the productions of digestive enzymes that help the digestive process.

Which probiotics are included in this supplement?

• Lactobacillus plantarum‚ which has been studied to reduce the symptoms of certain digestive problems‚ such as diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It may also reduce bloating and promotes overall digestive health.

• Lactobacillus sporogenes supports the growth of beneficial flora in your GI tract‚ and is particularly resistant to heat and low pH levels.

• Lactobacillus salivarius is another probiotic strain that effectively promotes healthy bacterium levels.

• Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the most common probiotics and has several functions‚ including its most famous: the ability to break down the food you eat during digestion. At the same time‚ it helps produce lactic acid that fights against the presence of “bad” bacterium in the GI tract.

• Bifidobacterium longum is a strain of bacteria that’s often abundant in the human body. Its main purpose is to convert sugar into lactic acid‚ although there are also indications that it can provide additional immune system benefits‚ reduce constipation‚ and lessen inflammation resulting inflammatory bowel conditions. It has also been used to help prevent against traveler’s diarrhea.

Along with the probiotics your body needs‚ Probiotic also includes Jerusalem artichoke and lactoferrin. Jerusalem artichoke is a prebiotic‚ which acts as food and nourishment for the probiotics and allows the latter to be best effective. Lactoferrin is a type of protein that is believed to reduce stomach issues such as diarrhea; it’s also used to support the immune system‚ due to its antioxidant properties.


Amount Per Serving / % DV

Tzyme™ Probiotic Blend 442mg

Lactobacillus plantarum 3 Billion C.F.U.

Lactobacillus sporogenes 380 Million C.F.U.

Lactobacillus salivarius 300 Million C.F.U.

Bifidobacterium longum 200 Million C.F.U.

Lactobacillus casei 225 Million C.F.U.

Lactobacillus acidophilus 1 Billion C.F.U.

Jerusalem Artichoke tuber 20mg

Lactoferrin (from milk) 10mg

Other Ingredients: Cellulose & Water.

Suggested Use:

Take one (1) capsule upon rising or at bedtime with at least 8 oz. of water. Usage may be increased according to need as directed by health care practitioner.