美国Neuroplex纯天然营养浓缩精华 40粒 ¥245

美国Neuroplex纯天然营养浓缩精华   40粒   ¥245
Item# newitem377129582

Product Description



产品介绍 Neuroplex结合增效成分支持神经和内分泌系统。 •支持神经系统 •支持认知功能 •含有多种维生素,矿物质,补充组织的广泛支持内分泌器官的功能

服用方法:每天两粒,或遵医嘱。 警告:六岁以下的儿童意外食用过量的含铁的产品会致命中毒的。请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。如果发生意外过量事件,立即致电医生或中毒控制中心。

主要成份: 每份含量%DV 5卡路里 胆固醇5毫克,每日2% 硫胺素0.9毫克60% 核黄素0.9毫克50% 烟酸40毫克200% 维生素B68.9毫克450% 铁8.9毫克50% 锌17.7毫克120% 铜0.3毫克20%

专利配方:585毫克铁兰usneoides†,牛orchic胞液™提取物,猪脑PMG™提取物,牛脾,羊脾,脱脂小麦(胚芽),牛下丘脑,牛垂体前叶,牛肝 ,乳酸钙,对 - 氨基苯甲酸,牛垂体PMG™提取,猪脑,和抗坏血酸。



Neuroplex combines synergistic ingredients to support the nervous and endocrine systems.

• Supports the nervous system

• Supports cognitive functioning

• Contains a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and complementary tissues to support endocrine organ function

Suggested Use: Two capsules per day, or as directed.

Warning: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.


Amount per Serving %DV

Calories 5 Cholesterol 5 mg 2% Thiamine 0.9 mg 60% Riboflavin 0.9 mg 50% Niacin 40 mg 200% Vitamin B6 8.9 mg 450% Iron 8.9 mg 50% Zinc 17.7 mg 120% Copper 0.3 mg 20%

Proprietary Blend: 585 mg Tillandsia usneoides, bovine orchic Cytosol™ extract, porcine brain PMG™ extract, bovine spleen, ovine spleen, defatted wheat (germ), bovine hypothalamus, bovine anterior pituitary, bovine liver, calcium lactate, para-aminobenzoate, bovine pituitary PMG™ extract†, porcine brain†, and ascorbic acid.

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, iron liver chelate, zinc liver chelate, zinc rice chelate, niacinamide, water, pyridoxine hydrochloride, copper liver chelate, calcium stearate, thiamine hydrochloride, and riboflavin.