美国Nutri-West纯天然复合维他命B营养补充剂,90片 $30.4(¥212.8)

美国Nutri-West纯天然复合维他命B营养补充剂,90片 $30.4(¥212.8)
Item# newitem417909016

Product Description




There are numerous types of B vitamins‚ all meant maintain different facets of your health. Now‚ as essential vitamins‚ they need to be absorbed through the foods we eat. However‚ that's based on the idea that we always eat healthy or eat foods that are a good source of these vitamins: reality states otherwise. That's why vitamin supplements like Nutri West's B-Complex Tablets‚ a nutritional supplement formulated with several different forms of vitamin B‚ have been formulated. Some of the vitamins in B Complex include:

B1 (Thiamine) Commonly used in conjunction with many other B vitamins (as B-Complex does)‚ thiamine may boost the immune system as well as helping with symptoms of digestive issues. Thiamine could also play a role in the metabolization of carbohydrates.

B2 (Riboflavin) This vitamin plays a role in supporting the healthy function and growth of skin‚ blood cells‚ plus more.

B5 (Pantothenic Acid) An essential part of this B complex vitamin‚ pantothenic acid may play a role in the proper metabolization of carbohydrates‚ proteins‚ and lipids (fats).

B9 (Folate) B-Complex features folate because this vitamin is essential in promoting and supporting cell growth. For instance‚ folate is used to help generate red blood cells (hemoglobin) to prevent anemia‚ a condition characterized by low levels of hemoglobin‚ putting the individual at risk for further health complications.

B12 (Cyanocobalamin) Like other B vitamins‚ B12 is integral to supporting the production of healthy hemoglobin. The B12 in B-Complex could also help maintain a proper functioning nervous system. Energy production and the synthesis of some fatty acids may also rely on healthy B12 levels.

Nutri West provides nutritional supplements to health care professionals in order to optimize their patients’ well-being. It was founded in 1981 and has expanded into a worldwide company with state-of-the-art‚ environmentally-friendly manufacturing and packaging processes. Its products are hypo-allergenic and have been formulated for the highest quality.

产品介绍: B-Complex

B族维生素有多种类型,这意味着维护您不同方面的健康。现在,他们作为人体必需的维生素,需要通过我们吃的食物而被吸收。然而,正是基于这样的理念,我们总是吃健康的食物,或者吃的食物是这些维生素的理想来源:但事实证明并非如此。这就是像Nutri West's B-Complex复合片一样为什么维他命营养补充剂都是用几种不同形式的维生素B研配而成。复合维生素B包括:

B1(硫胺素) 结合常用其他B族维生素(像复合维他命B群一样),硫胺素可以促进免疫系统,以及帮助消化。也能够在碳水化合物的代谢中发挥作用。

B2(核黄素) 这种维生素起着促进健康功能,以及皮肤,血细胞等生长的作用。

B5(泛酸) 泛酸是复合维生素B中的主要部分,在碳水化合物,蛋白质和脂质(脂肪)的适当代谢中发挥作用。

B9(叶酸) 复合维生素B中叶酸起着重要作用,因为它是促进和支持细胞生长所必需的。例如,叶酸用来帮助生成红细胞(血红蛋白)以防止贫血,人体在血红蛋白水平低的状态下,将来存在健康并发症的危险。 B12(氰钴胺) 像其他B族维生素一样,维生素B12是促进生产健康的血红蛋白不可缺少的。在复合维生素B中,B12也帮助维持正常的神经系统功能。能量生产和一些脂肪酸的合成也可依赖于健康的B12水平。

Nutri West给医疗保健专家提供促使病人安康的营养补充剂。该公司成立于1981年,已经扩展到全球,具有最先进的技术,环保型的生产和包装。其产品具有防过敏性,是最高质量的配方。

Supportive Function: A total (hypoallergenic) formula that employs the synergistic action of all the B vitamins; additionally, it is boosted with choline and inositol, which are vitamin-like substances that participate in fat metabolism. People who are exposed to stressful situations or who have a poor dietary intake may choose to supplement with B-Complex.

支持功能:(低过敏性)整个配方采用所有B族维生素的协同作用; 另外,有助于获取胆碱和肌醇,它们是参与脂肪代谢的维生素类物质。那些压力重或有不良的饮食摄入量者可以选择B群营养补充剂。

When is a B-Complex Formula helpful? Fatigue, depression, stress, glucose control, skin/hair/eyes/ and mouth problems, anxiety, insomnia, hyperactivity, PMS, menopausal symptoms, alcohol withdrawal, and longterm antibiotic application.

B-Complex Formula什么时候有帮助?疲劳,抑郁,压力,控制血糖,皮肤/毛发/眼/口的问题,焦虑,失眠,多动,经前综合症,更年期综合症,酒精戒断,和长期应用抗生素。

Clinical Applications/Research: Energy: The B vitamins help give us the energy to function. They are known as the "catalytic spark plugs" of the body; they catalyze many biochemical reactions because of their role as Coenzymes. The B vitamins are water-soluble (easily eliminated from the body) and must be constantly replenished. Bacteria in the large intestine can make most B vitamins in the body. A refined diet high in sugar, coffee, alcohol and refined flour can deplete the B vitamins, and long-term antibiotic therapy can reduce the population of beneficial bacteria that normally makes B vitamins in the large intestine.

临床应用/研究:能量:B族维生素有助于给我们身体能量来运行。它们被称为身体的“催化火花塞”;它们催化许多生化反应,因为他们作为辅酶的作用。 B族维生素是水溶性的(从主体容易除去)且必须不断补充。大肠内的细菌可以生产大多数B族维生素。糖,咖啡,酒及精制面粉精制高的饮食会消耗B族维生素,以及长期的抗生素治疗可降低大肠内正常生产B族维生素的有益细菌的数量。

Brain Food: The B vitamins are also important for the synthesis of our brain neurotransmitters, which are chemical signals that our brain uses to carry out physiological functions. The B vitamins are needed, for instance, for the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Administration of B vitamins B-1, B-2, and B-6, in a 4-week randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study resulted in trends of greater improvement in scores on ratings of mental well-being and cognitive tasks, and researchers suggested the results "offer preliminary support for further investigation of B-complex vitamin augmentation” in addressing mental well-being。

健脑食物:B族维生素也对我们大脑神经递质合成非常重要,大脑神经递质是我们的大脑用来进行生理功能的化学信号。例如,神经递质多巴胺,去甲肾上腺素,血清素的合成需要B族维生素。在4周内对B族维生素B-1,B-2和B-6进行随机、安慰剂平行对照、双盲研究,对精神正常和认知任务 的评分得到较大上升趋势,研究者提出,在解决精神健康方面“初步支持进一步研究B-复合维生素增加”有效果。

Glands/Organs: The B vitamins are also essential for the proper functioning of the endocrine glands, most notably the adrenals and the thyroid. The B vitamins are needed for healthy liver functioning, and the liver is one of the highest concentrated areas of B vitamins. The organ we know as the skin depends on B vitamins for its healthy appearance. The B’s are also essential for hair, eyes and mouth; a deficiency of the B’s can manifest in patchy scaly skin around the mouth area. They are also necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system, and essential for maintenance of muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract.


Glucose Control: Just as the B vitamins are used to make ATP (energy) from glucose, they are involved in every step of glucose metabolism, and are therefore helpful in regulating blood glucose levels.


Suggested Use:1 tablet daily or as directed Warning: Keep out of reach of children. Tamper resistant outer seal‚ do not use if broken. Store in a cool‚ dry place.

服用方法:每天一片,或遵医嘱。 警告:放在小孩拿不到的地方。 密封牢固,如有破损,请勿使用。 存放在阴凉,干燥的地方。

Ingredients: Serving Size: 1 Tablet

Amount Per Serving / % DV

Thiamine (as hydrochloride) 50mg / 3334% Riboflavin 50mg / 2941% Niacin (as niacinamide) 50mg / 250% Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 25mg / 1250% Folate (as folic acid) 150mcg / 38% Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin) 50mcg / 834% Biotin 50mcg / 17% Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate) 50mg / 500% Proprietary blend 125mg Choline (as bitartrate)‚ Inositol‚ Para Amino Benzoic Acid (PABA).

Other Ingredients: DiCalcium Phosphate‚ Microcrystalline cellulose‚ stearic acid‚ magnesium stearate.

主要成份: 每份含量 DV%

硫胺素(盐酸盐)为50mg/3334% 核黄素为50mg/2941% 烟酸(烟酰胺)50毫克/250% 维生素B-6(盐酸吡哆醇)为25mg/ 1250% 叶酸(叶酸)150mcg/38% 维生素B-12(如氰钴胺)50mcg/ 834% 生物素50mcg/17% 泛酸(泛酸钙)50毫克/500% 专利配方为125mg 胆碱(酒石酸作为),肌醇,对氨基苯甲酸(PABA)。
