美国Nutri-West纯天然Biostress-B营养补充剂 250片 $25.6 (¥179.2)

美国Nutri-West纯天然Biostress-B营养补充剂  250片 $25.6 (¥179.2)
Item# newitem418493277

Product Description




Biostress-B provides all of the B vitamins, just the way they appear in nature! Natural sources of primary yeast and rice bran offer an ample supply of the B vitamins, which are essential to optimize our biological defenses against stress.

产品介绍: Biostress-B提供所有的B族维生素,就像它们在大自然中出现一样! 原生酵母和米糠的天然来源提供大量的B族维生素,这对于优化我们的生物防压至关重要。

Suggested Use: 1 tablet daily or as directed


Ingredients: Each Tablet Contains: Thiamine (as pyrophosphate) 1 mg. Proprietary blend 300 mg* of: Primary Yeast, Rice Bran.

主要成份: 每片含有硫胺素(作为焦磷酸盐)1毫克。 专有混合物300 mg *:原生酵母,米糠。