美国DigestZyme纯天然草本植物肠胃护养营养胶囊 240粒 ¥448

美国DigestZyme纯天然草本植物肠胃护养营养胶囊     240粒   ¥448
Item# DigestZyme240

Product Description


Transformation Enzyme 的DigestZyme在胃中开始食物消化过程,减少了胰腺消化的压力。这种温和的消化酶和益生菌的配方可以为那些肠道敏感者和恶心、腹泻或胆囊困难的人群提供有效的帮助。



• 帮助完全而有效地消化食物

• 其独特配方帮助身体最大程度地消化营养,生产能量和提高免疫力

• 绝对没有添加剂





---蛋白酶66,500 HUT


---纤维素酶1320 CU

---蔗糖0.4 IAU

---麦芽淀粉酶500 DPO

---乳糖酶800 ALU







成人:每餐2粒或多于两粒。吃零食时服1至2粒。用量取决于所进食的食物类型和个人消化程度。如果用餐时喝酒,则用量要加大。 (喝红酒时建议多服用一粒胶囊)

DigestZyme *

DigestZyme by Transformation Enzyme begins the process of food digestion in the stomach, reducing digestive stress on the pancreas. This gentle formula of digestive enzymes and probiotics may provide useful support for those who have a sensitive gut and are experiencing nausea, diarrhea or gallbladder difficulties.

The ultimate goal of digestion is getting nutrients to the cells. Nutrients not only feed the cell, they protect it from free radical damage. Healthy cells lead to optimal metabolism, energy, and immunity. Supplementing with digestive enzymes is a vital part of this nutrient acquisition process. This unique formula is the perfect introduction to digestive enzymes, supporting immune system health by encouraging more complete digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for increased absorption and availability of nutrients.

Recommended For:

• Support for complete and efficient food digestion

• Uniquely formulated to assist the body in maximum digestion of nutrients, production of energy and aid in immune support

• Absolutely no fillers


2 capsules contain:

Enzyme Proprietary Blend (372mg):

---Amylase 12,200 DU

---Protease 66,500 HUT

---Lipase 400 LU

---Cellulase 1320 CU

---Invertase 0.4 IAU

---Malt Diastase 500 DPo

---Lactase 800 ALU

Lactobacillus acidophilus (grown on milk 20mg

Bifidobacterium longum 6mg

Other Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (cellulose and water).

Contains NO: fillers.

Enzyme activity is measured in Food Chemical Codex (FCC) units.

Suggested Use:

Adults: Take 2 or more capsules with every meal. Take 1 to 2 capsules with snacks. The dosage is dependent on both the types of foods eaten and the individuals digestive difficulties. If alcohol is consumed with the meal, then the dosage should be increased. (1 extra capsule is suggested with wine.)