美国Enzycore纯天然肠胃养护营养胶囊 150粒 ¥525

美国Enzycore纯天然肠胃养护营养胶囊   150粒   ¥525
Item# newitem377118067

Product Description



Enzycore是一种酶,谷氨酰胺,和纯天然有机成分的混合物剂,旨在促进健康的消化和最大化营养的吸收。 •包含在广大范围内pH值支持活动的微生物酶 •含有酵素混合物,全面分解脂肪,蛋白质和碳水化合物 •包含羽衣甘蓝和甜菜粉以支持健康的消化过程 •含有350毫克L-谷氨酰胺,用作筑造其它氨基酸空隙的氨基酸; 还给细胞提供高能量需求的细胞(像那些在肠内的) •给胃和小肠在消化过程中提供支持

Enzycore含有哪些酶(酵素)? 我们复合专有酶混合来自微生物,纯天然食品等成分。临床研究表明,这种类型的酶可以使用少些剂量而取得和动物来源的酶具有相似的结果。微生物酶还比动物酶更广范围的pH值内起作用。我们的混合物,全面分解脂肪,蛋白质和碳水化合物,其包含: 蛋白分解酵素:肽酶,蛋白酶 脂肪分解酵素: 脂肪分解酵素 碳水化合物酵素: 酸性麦芽糖酶,阿尔法半乳糖苷酶,淀粉酶,糖化酶,蔗糖,乳糖酶

菠萝蛋白酶如何帮助消化? 菠萝蛋白酶是一种从菠萝的茎和汁中提取的复合酶,在中美洲和南美洲传统医学中历史悠久。根据建议,随餐服用,菠萝蛋白酶有助于分解蛋白质转化成氨基酸。

谷氨酰胺如何促进肠道的健康? 谷氨酰胺是一种被用作构造其它氨基酸的氨基酸,类似谷胱甘肽的化合物。需要大量能量(如那些在小肠的细胞)的细胞可以使用谷氨酰胺作为能量来源。以这种方式,谷氨酰胺支持肠壁的完整性和与肠相关的免疫细胞。该氨基酸可以被压力消耗,其可以反过来减缓人体的自然再生和愈合过程。


主要成份: 每份含量%DV 2卡路里 专有掺合物:538毫克L-谷氨酰胺,羽衣甘蓝(地上部分),甜菜(根),和素食酶混合物(酸性麦芽糖酶[1MaltU],α-半乳糖苷酶[45 GaIU],淀粉酶[1800杜],菠萝蛋白酶[32880 FCCPU] ,糖化酶[3 AGU],蔗糖[170 SU],乳糖酶[325 ALU],脂肪酶[230 FIP],肽[820 HUT],蛋白酶3.0[3 SAPU],蛋白酶4.5[4,930 HUT],蛋白酶6.0[1640 HUT ])。 其他成分:纤维素,麦芽糊精,硬脂酸钙。


Enzycore is a comprehensive blend of enzymes, glutamine, and whole food ingredients designed to support healthy digestion and maximize nutrient absorption.

• Contains microbial enzymes for action within a broad range of pH

• Contains a blend of enzymes that comprehensively break down fats, protein, and carbohydrates

• Kale and beet powder included to support healthy digestive process

• Contains 350 mg L-glutamine, an amino acid used as a building block for other amino acids; also provides energy to cells with high energy needs (like those in the intestines)

• Provides support during both gastric and intestinal phases of digestion

What enzymes does Enzycore contain?

Our comprehensive proprietary enzyme blend is derived from microbial sources, whole food and other ingredients. Clinical studies suggest that this type of enzyme may be used at a lower dose than animal-derived enzymes with similar results. Also microbial enzymes work within a broader range of pH than animal enzymes. Our blend supports the breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates and contains:

Protein Enzymes Fat Enzymes Carbohydrate Enzymes Peptidase Lipase Acid maltase Proteases Alpha galactosidase Amylase Glucoamylase Invertase Lactase

How does bromelain support digestion?

An enzyme complex extracted from pineapple stems and juice, bromelain has a long history of use in Central American and South American traditional medicine. When taken with meals, as recommended for Enzycore, bromelain helps break down protein into its component amino acids.

How does glutamine support intestinal health?

An amino acid, glutamine is used as a building block for other amino acids and compounds like glutathione. Cells that require a lot of energy (like those in the small intestine) can use glutamine as an energy source. In this way, glutamine supports the integrity of the intestinal lining and the immune cells associated with the intestines. This amino acid can be depleted by stress, which can in turn slow the body's natural regeneration and healing process.

Suggested Use: One capsule three times per day with meals, or as directed.


Amount per Serving %DV Calories 2

Proprietary Blend: 538 mg L-glutamine, kale (aerial parts), beet (root), and vegetarian enzyme blend (acid maltase [1MaltU], alpha-galactosidase [45 GaIU], amylase [1,800 DU], bromelain [32,880 FCCPU], glucoamylase [3 AGU], invertase [170 SU], lactase [325 ALU], lipase [230 FIP], peptidase [820 HUT], protease 3.0 [3 SAPU], protease 4.5 [4,930 HUT], protease 6.0 [1,640 HUT]).

Other Ingredients: Cellulose, maltodextrin, and calcium stearate.