美国Multizyme纯天然营养胶囊 150粒 ¥630

美国Multizyme纯天然营养胶囊   150粒    ¥630
Item# newitem377120619

Product Description



产品介绍 Multizyme包含消化酶,以支持蛋白质,碳水化合物和脂肪的适当分解。 •消化酶为胃和小肠的消化提供支持 •补充胰腺酶帮助胰腺功能


主要成份: 每份含量%DV 2卡路里 胆固醇5毫克,每日2%

专有掺合物:410毫克图(果实),脱脂杏仁,胰酶(3倍),硬脂酸(植物来源),菠萝蛋白酶,脂肪酶,纤维素酶,木瓜蛋白酶,和淀粉酶。 其它成分:明胶,乳糖(牛奶),麦芽糖糊精,水,和硬脂酸钙。


Multizyme contains digestive enzymes to support the proper breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

• Enzymes provide support in the gastric and intestinal phases of digestion

• Supplemental pancreatic enzymes support pancreatic function

Suggested Use: One capsule per meal, or as directed.

Ingredients: Amount per Serving %DV Calories 2 Cholesterol 5 mg 2%

Proprietary Blend: 410 mg Fig (fruit), defatted almonds, pancreatin (3x), stearic acid (vegetable source), bromelain, lipase, cellulase, papain, and amylase.

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, lactose (milk), maltodextrin, water, and calcium stearate.