美国Nutri-West纯天然Complete_HI_D3营养补充剂 120片 $28(¥196)

美国Nutri-West纯天然Complete_HI_D3营养补充剂  120片 $28(¥196)
Item# newitem418493823

Product Description




Research is telling us that more people than not are deficient in vitamin D and that we are not getting enough for optimal health. Complete Hi D3 offers a quick and easy high dose of 125 mcg. of active vitamin D3, from one tablet, to get all the benefits of this powerful and versatile nutrient.

产品介绍: 研究告诉我们,维生素D不足的人多,而且我们没有足够的健康。 完整的Hi D3提供了一个快速和容易的高剂量125 mcg。 的活性维生素D3,从一个片剂,以获得这种强大和多才多艺的营养的所有好处。

Contraindications : Generally speaking, high dose vitamin D is becoming increasingly common (especially since many are deficient) with no side effects. Caution is advised for sarcoidosis, hyperparathyroidism, and hypercalcemia, as vitamin D can raise calcium levels.

禁忌: 一般来说,高剂量维生素D越来越普遍(特别是因为许多缺乏维生素D)没有副作用。 结节病,甲状旁腺功能亢进和高钙血症者需注意,因为维生素D可提高钙的水平.

Suggested Use: 1 tablet daily or as directed


Ingredients: Each Tablet Contains: Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 125 mcg. Conversion Information - Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) from 5000 IUs to 125 mcg. 5000 x .025 = 125 mcg Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol). 1 IU of Vitamin D is the biological equivalent to 0.025 mcg of Vitamin D.

主要成份: 每片包含: 维生素D3(作为胆钙化醇)125mcg。 转换信息- 维生素D3(作为胆钙化醇)从5000IU到125mcg。 5000×0.025 = 125mcg维生素D3(作为胆钙化醇)。 1 IU维生素D是生物相当于0.025 mcg维生素D