美国Digest纯天然肠胃护养草本植物营养胶囊 120粒 ¥480

美国Digest纯天然肠胃护养草本植物营养胶囊    120粒    ¥480
Item# Digest120

Product Description


Transformation Enzyme 的Digest现在有一个全新的配方!这种新的配方仍然提供酶的支持,以维持消化系统的健康,但现在包括更有效的脂肪酶混合物,完全没有填充物。


Transformation Enzyme公司研配的消化酶补充剂是当今市场上最全面的配方,包括各种在我们的饮食中常见的食物中身体需要消化的大部分特异性。食物被分解成营养成分后,这些营养物质随后用于身体产生能量,细胞的修复和生长。



蛋白酶混合(54601 HUT)122毫克

(酸性,中性,碱性的,外/内肽酶)脂肪酶混合物(7467 FIP)67毫克 多糖混酶270毫克淀粉酶20000 DU


植酸酶42 FTU

糖化酶25 AGU

Macerase 400 CU

果胶酶14 endo-PGU

β-葡聚糖酶25 BGU

乳糖酶610 ALU

木聚糖酶500 XU

淀粉酶168 DPº

蔗糖56 SU

纤维素酶28 CU

半纤维素酶28 HCU



每餐或点心时用至少八盎司的清水服用,每次一粒。如果你愿意,可以去除胶囊的外壳,粉剂与少量清水混合服用。如果你觉得你需要加强消化,你可以增加剂量,但建议你咨询您的医生。Transformation Enzyme 的Digest是非过敏物。


• 帮助身体吸收更多的营养食品

• 支持细胞的健康和活力

• 提高整体免疫力和消化系统的健康。


Transformation Enzyme Corporation’s Digest now has a brand-new formula! This new formulation still offers enzyme support to maintain digestive system health‚ but now includes a more potent lipase blend with absolutely no fillers.

Making healthy dietary choices is a great start to promoting good overall health‚ but it’s only the first step. To get the most nutrients (e.g. vitamins‚ minerals‚ phytochemcials‚ antioxidants) out of the foods you eat‚ your digestive system must be healthy. So many factors contribute to the overall health of your digestive system that it’s not recommended to leave things up to chance. In addition to a poor diet‚ genetics‚ stress‚ processed foods‚ and environmental toxins all contribute to a weakened digestive system. This is why so many experts recommend that you supplement your healthy diet and lifestyle with digestive enzymes to get the most benefit.

Transformation Enzyme Corporation designed its Digest supplement to be one of the most comprehensive digestive enzyme formulas on the market‚ including a broad range of specificities that the body needs to digest the foods that are commonly found in our diets. After the food gets broken down into nutrients‚ those nutrients are then used for energy‚ repair and growth.

Recommended For:

• Help the body absorb more nutrients from food‚

• Support the health and vitality of cells

• Improve overall immune and digestive system health.


Per Serving / % DV

Tzyme™ Protease Blend (54‚601 HUT) 122 mg

(acid‚ neutral‚ alkaline‚ exo/endo peptidases) Tzyme™ Lipase Blend (7‚467 FIP) 67 mg

Tzyme™ Polysaccharolytic Blend 270 mg Amylase 20‚000 DU

Alpha-galactosidase 438 Gal U

Phytase 42 FTU

Glucoamylase 25 AGU

Macerase 400 CU

Pectinase 14 endo-PGU

Beta-glucanase 25 BGU

Lactase 610 ALU

Xylanase 500 XU

Diastase 168 DPº

Invertase 56 SU

Cellulase 28 CU

Hemicellulase 28 HCU

Other Ingredients: Cellulose‚ Water‚ Calcium Citrate.

Suggested Use:

Take one capsule of Digest along with at least eight ounces of water with every meal or snack. If you prefer‚ you may remove the contents of the capsules and mix it with a small amount of water. If you think you need more digestive support‚ you may increase the dose‚ but it’s recommended that you discuss the appropriate dosage with your healthcare provider. Digest by Transformation Enzyme Corporation is non-allergenic。 .